Have not pulled it down yet--kinda putting it off for awhile haha. I don't think the damage was major but I'm sure there's going to be a few problems with the cylinder/piston :-\ First time ever having a problem like this so I can't complain too much I guess.
The bike has pretty much sat collecting dust since I posted last. A few weeks ago I spent some time sorting out last years mess. Turns out both dampening rods had come loose inside the forks (how does that happen?? lol) which turned them into pogo sticks. The motor mounts were all loose which caused the insane amount of vibration and I've convinced myself the ethanol fuel is what tried to kill my top-end.
Crossing my fingers I took it to the St. Anthony dunes with the same group of friends over the weekend. Wow the ol' CR was nuts! Everything fell together perfectly--the jetting was spot on, the port/head work has proven to be well worth it and thanks to the tight motor mounts the vibration didn't kill me like it did last time. Anyway I bumped into some guys riding late model CR500AF's and we rode around the bigger dunes for a bit. Yep---I decided I can't live without one of those
The ol' girl cleans up pretty good I think. I'm kinda thinking I might pull it down this winter and go through the bottom end. It's never had the cases split.. In fact I think the crank seals are original--yikes! Having the crank rebuilt and balanced would be worthwhile too I think. We'll see.. I'd hate to do more work to it and have it still never leave the garage
Well after ~18 years of owning the CR I let it go today. I used up another week of vacation last week because my back gave out again. I couldn't stand looking at the CR everyday knowing the pain it would bring me to ride it again
I'm down to the ATK now. It's a gentle giant and I love riding it so I'll keep it around awhile.