Maldito's 99 4Runner Build


Well-Known Member
I'd say maybe 10-15% cleaner. It wasn't night and day, it just seemed to be a little cleaner than before the snorkel.

Also, the snorkel is picking up air near your roof, where the dust particles are smaller and less dense. So you suck up less dust than through your fender, and the dust you do suck up is smaller particles.


Formerly Maldito X
Cool thanks for the input on that. I will see how my fender liner is doing, perhaps it's tweaked. Otherwise I may look into a snorkel, not sure.


Well-Known Member
People have replaced them with cone filters with a box around them, and that seems to help. Just don't use an open-element filter.

You can also re-route the tube somewhere else. I also had a friend who ran a snorkel in through the firewall of his runner into the passenger front area. It was noisy, but if you hooked it up to a deck plate, you could close it off when you want, and open it when you're worried about water.


Formerly Maldito X
The cone filters with the box are usually the aftermarket short ram intakes right? Like Volant, Airaid, K&N? I feel like those are much more exposed to the elements since they are not boxed up. I'll see about routing the intake tube maybe higher up into the fender but probably not thru the firewall since I wouldn't want that much noise.


Formerly Maldito X
If I do, that might come later down the road since I have a couple of items I would like to add to the vehicle first.

First I would like to add OBA, since last time when I was out at Devil's Playground I got a flat and we didn't have an air compressor to be able to fill up the tire, I didn't have a plug kit either but I've since added one to my recovery bag. Although that won't always be the case, I do want to add it to my rig to be self sufficient as well. And a snorkel and a compressor are about the same price.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
And here I'd never thought of a snorkel for helping with anything other than a water crossing, which we don't have a lot of in Utah.... Unless you're Tonkaman and find yourself in a lake.


Formerly Maldito X
I don't often lead the pack when going on long off road travels, I typically hang back and just follow so I've definitely seen my share of dust. I can see how a snorkel will be beneficial to keep the heavy dust particles out of my filter. I've never gone through a water crossing, just a big puddle lol.


Formerly Maldito X
Yesterday I rotated my tires and today on my way home I noticed a vibration in my steering wheel, it's happening at about 35-40 mph and gives the steering wheel a steady pulsing effect that makes the wheel love back and forth about 1/2" I put my spare into the rotation but that's in the rear and I torqued all the lugs. I shook the tire while they were up in the air yesterday and they don't have any play or wobble. Any ideas on what it could be?

I've been planning to replace the LBJ and tie rods but that won't be til the weekend I imagine. Does it sound like a serious problem manifesting itself? Wondering if I should just stop driving it or rotate the tires back and see if it's the tires.
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Formerly Maldito X
It's possible, I drove it back to work just now and it isn't consistent. It seems to start about 30mph one time and kept doing it all the way to 45-50 but then at the next stop light it barely did it to 40mph so I'm not sure what to make of it. I might bring it by Discount tire tomorrow and see if they can rebalance the tires.


Formerly Maldito X
Let's hope it's not a LBJ because the horror stories are too much, might have to park it til the weekend if rotating the tires back doesn't take care of it tonight. I'll also bring it by discount tomorrow morning before work. It could all just be in my head but I felt like the car wobbled for a moment when I was turning left at an intersection, kind of how when you lose your footing and stumble. But maybe it's all in my head lol.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Try lifting the front end off the ground a little, then put a bar under a tire and lift while looking at the ball joints. If there is movement in the ball joint, they are bad.

Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk


Formerly Maldito X
Thanks, I've got the runner off the ground right now swapping the tires all back how they were. I'll try that step you mentioned before putting it back down to see if that may be the issue.


Formerly Maldito X
So I put a bar under the tire and pushed up and the whole arm moves together with the tire, no effect on the ball joint so I assume that's not whats causing the wobble. On the other hand I wiggled the tire side to side and I can see the entire steering rack move and shake a little side to side, I looked at the steering wheel and it was also moving a little bit. I don't believe the entire steering rack itself is suppose to be moving, is it? I would assume that's my problem right there, but I'm gonna go test drive it in a few


Formerly Maldito X
So I took the 4Runner out for a drive and I went all around doing left turns and right turns and u-turns and hard stops and I didnt have any vibrations.... :confused: So that leads me to believe that my tires are either not balanced correctly or one or more of them is bent. At least now I can narrow that much down to the wheels/tires.

I still made a video of the steering rack wobble so you guys can see and tell me if it's on it's way out anyways? It looks like the bushing on the right side isnt doing much of anything anymore.



Well-Known Member
My rack was bad, it was leading to bad alignment with the tires. that might be something to consider.
You might looks to see if theres supposed to be a bushing holding that rack in or maybe the clamp has been stretched/elongated over time.
Id be interested in knowing how hard it is to do the lbjs.


Formerly Maldito X
Yeah, I think my rack bushings are done for also. I'll be placing an order with Toyota to replace those parts. I'll start with that bushing and go from there.

I did take the runner down to Discount Tire and got the tires rotated and rebalanced. On the drive home I still had the wobble but it was less, so at least it helped a little bit. But I think I'll take care of the bushings this weekend.
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Well-Known Member
You need new rack bushings.

I'd also make sure the driveshaft and ujoints are properly lubed. Sometimes those lead to vibrations.


Formerly Maldito X
Thanks for the confirmation, I'll need to crawl down there and see if there's more than one bushing down there, I only looked at the one.