Mental health: it’s ok to talk.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Just because they are not seen does not make wounds imaginary and insinuating that they are undermines the point of this thread that it is okay to admit to struggles and show what some would call weakness.
To be clear, I'm only speaking for me personally. That's why I used first person language.
It's ok to show weakness, it's not ok to give up. That is also the point of this thread. You have to fight YOUR battles. Mine are different than yours but claiming that they are too big to overcome is not the answer. I have a nephew and sister to take care of now because my brother gave up. That's not ok and I'll help anyone here not offload their burden onto their loved ones.

You’re a better man than I am. I just can’t do this. So often I'm filled with so much hate it consumes me. Honestly I miss the old days when I would just go get in a brawl with the first sucker that looked at me wrong. I hate ending my day with all this pent up rage and nobody to hit.
This is why I think we get along so well Derek.

If I don't decide what is going to kick my ass, the world will. I've been down that path and I don't like it. I don't think that is manly. I've destroyed things and relationships because I didn't know how to be a productive adult.
I can't sit for a day or the self loathing sets in and puts me in a rut. It's often hard to find my path for the day but it's better to fight that fight than the thought that I've wasted the most precious commodity I have, time. That's my internal battle.

Being around better people than me helps me aim up. I spent my youth surrounding myself with losers who were easy to be better than. Being a half assed person was not the right path for me. I have to push or be pushed or I lose. I consider that both a strength and a weakness.

I sincerely think most of us, need more of the things that shut us down, not less. You never overcome things you avoid. Finding the right dose is the trick. Kevin sounds like he is working on that. I commend him for that, his tempo is different than mine and that's ok. It doesn't make him less manly or whatever.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Not gonna lie, it happens. And it's certainly not the goal, but some days brushing my teeth and making it to the couch to play Gran Turismo is a victory. They're not common, and I certainly don't let it happen, but it happens.
I’m right there with you. It’s a way for me to “check out” or distract myself from my own brain when I’m stressed about unimportant life crap. I can go a year without playing, then pick it up for a day or so and go 12 hours straight. I definitely wouldn’t call myself a gamer. I loathe online play.