Mental health: it’s ok to talk.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I made an extra effort to make today a positive impact. I led my team through such an easy day, that a few of my Facilitators were even questioning its productivity. Before I released everyone for the day, I met with them and asked what they thought of today. They all said it was fun. “Good” I said. “It may have seemed like we just goofed off all day and wasted the company’s time and resources, but there was a point to it all. We want you to stop and smell the roses. You all work through an incredibly stressful job at times, and we want you to take the time to enjoy the best parts of this job, the parts that most people don’t get to experience. The parts that most people will never see, feel, or smell. It’s important to the company and our success.

Two days ago a driver I’ve worked with took his own life. I don’t know what state his mind was, but I want you to know that your mental health is important to your families, friends, and to your company. So take that time to enjoy the best parts of this job.”