Might Be Leaving UT

Dates are a no-go for me. Attending Son's college graduation that Fri. morning then heading off for five days off the grid.

I think I should be able to make it for a couple hours on Friday the 26th. Let me know specifics when you decide 'em. :cool:
I'm up in Missoula now and found a place to live. It seems that I'm not bringing my current furniture with me.

I can't start a 4 sale thread yet but if your interested in a couch, desk or a complete queen bedroom set, let me know.
Joseph, the great thing about all of this is that you have made some good friends here that will let you sleep on their couch/guestroom/tent in the backyard anytime. I know we have never shared an adventure and sometimes disagree on things, but I know you have contributed lot to the forum and are an honest guy to have around.
My leaving out plans have modified slightly; the supporting UT folks and I are going to leave early Friday evening and stay in Idaho Falls for the night before continuing on.
This will give us more time in Missoula for the unload and my 225k mile transmission the night to un-eff itself from all the towing.
The answer to the question, "does the Toyota 3.4 like pulling a 6'x12' enclosed trailer loaded with all of your belongings up steep grades along the freeway?"

No. No it does not.
4500 RPM at 49 mph puts things far away from the happy place.

Strong headwinds same deal.

It did make it although I was a bit of a road hazard.