mod-stock toyota build

Looking good robbie i saw you pull in to Area BFE then head back out never had a chance to say hi or see the rig close but the green looked good
That's very green. I think that's the greenest you've ever greened, is that just because the paint is fresh?
Finally got the 4.7 case clean enough to rebuild
I got the rear case rebuilt and ready to be mated today, here's how it went:
I started by tearing it apart

I checked all the gears out, and made sure everything was wearing together good, I made sure to inspect the 4.7 gears close
Here's a shot of one of the 4.7 gears next to a stock gear

I cleaned the housing up and made sure the larger gears had enough clearance, it looked like the previous installer did a pretty good job clearancing the housing


Next I individually cleaned every bolt any bolt with rust were thrown away and replaced with good Toyota ones from my stash

Another part of the housing, notice the bearing, I always like to add a little grease to the dry bearings and even a bit on the gears during install


Here it is all assembled the back will remain off awaiting the disconnect from trail gear

Finally got the dash back together with the inclinometer

I even found some sweet red lights in the rice burner isle at checker


And while I was in the dash I got my sr5 dash light thing working correctly when the lights are on
A lot of time, a wire brush, mineral spirits, brake cleaner, lots of time, a scraper, screw driver, more time.. ODC mixed with ADD it's a deadly combo
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This is a set of duals I built about a month ago for a buddy. I have a problem, once I start cleaning parts, I cant stop. I really want a solvent tank

You definitely need a parts washer. Plus, they're dirt cheap--pop up used on KSL for $50ish regularly. Even brand-new they're cheap from Harbor Freight.
I can't imagine Robby breaking anything, he's so gentle on his rigs. :laughing: I must admit though, I've never seen a coupler break like that.

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ya i used it for a while after and never had any problems, i tried getting marlin to get me a new one but they told me "that isnt possible"

denied that their little parts could break... what ever..

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haha, that sounds like Marlin. Is it cast or aluminum? I wonder if you could get it welded. Maybe even some JB weld would fix it. Does it leak at all?
its jb welded right now, has been that way for a minute, ill admit, it isnt the best, but it doesnt leak at all, i really dont want to fork up the coin for a new one, and like i said, its just the corner. the crack does hit an oil port just barely but i used a bunch of jb weld there. ill post a bunch of pictures of it tonight

its cast aluminum..