Mouse traps that actually work?

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
I love animals I really do, but I could kill a hundred mice a day for the rest of my life and still die thinking I didn't do a good enough job killing mice. I've used several different styles of snap traps and feel like I've used every technique imaginable for rigging bait and I still have a 1 in 15 success rate. It's not enough I know of at least three mice now and I'm worried it's going to be three hundred if I can't put an end to it.

Any other ideas? The indoor cat is good for nothing, the barn cats are great for outside mice and I don't think poison is a good idea because my dogs will likely eat the poisoned carcass and get sick.

Life in farmland.. Ugh.. :D


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Don't know your setup, but in some of the buildings I've had to take care of the mechanical boxes have worked really well. Lemme see if I can google one up real quick to show you what I mean... Here it is - something like this.


Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Have you tried the sticky traps? We've had good luck with them. You kinda wanna check them frequently because starvation is a horrible death even for a mouse.


By endurance we conquer
sticky traps work pretty good.

We called a guy from KSL and he used little bales of seeds with poison in them in the attic so kids and animals couldn't get to them. The mice were all gone in a few days. He was cheaper than buying the stuff on our own.


Well-Known Member
I kept having problems with the mice eating the bait and not setting off the trap, then I found a crazy guy on youtube and followed his technique. I use a regular mouse trap, and then take a tootsie roll, chew it up some, then put it on the trap. Gotten the mice by the next morning each time and havn't had any get away. Got one in about a hour after setting the trap. as the crazy guy said, the tootsie roll is like "crack" for the mice


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I've always gone for the pathway trap method vs the bait method. Basically arrange traps along walls or in areas that the mice travel and they get caught when they attempt to go over the trap. I'll even place boxes or obstacles to funnel them to where the traps are.


Richfield, UT.
Are you using traps like this? Are they setting the trap off and not getting wacked or eating the cheese with out it going off?
They use to fail on me as well. Then i started bending the little hook that hooks the bait tab making it a "Hair trigger". Worked everytime after that.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Thanks everyone. I've had best luck (if you can call it that) with the wooden snap traps. Haven't tried the tootsie rolls yet but I've tried nearly every other bait imaginable and I've gone as far as glueing the bait to the trigger and bending the trigger over. Still nothing. I swear they can jump up and down on the trigger and nothing happens but the second I breath on it wrong the stupid thing goes off :rolleyes: haha..

I set a bunch of sticky traps out this morning hope they'll work a little better. Gonna try the bucket method and catch boxes as well. Thanks again everyone.