My next trail rig...

even with 4.88s the throttle wasn't very responsive. I wonder if a new throttle cable would help that kevin. I'll bet it would.
be warned noah, once you see Kevin's 4runner, no other runner will compare. That is an insanely sexy rig and it'll be next to impossible to find one that clean or good looking. And don't ask him what he paid for it, it'll make your search even more difficult. :D
Oh I see, sounds pretty simple mod then.

Ive seen his 4runner briefly, I haven't actually taken a good look though. Test drove another 3rd gen today and it felt better than the last but I haven't jumped on it yet, I wanna take a look at two more this weekend to decide.
even with 4.88s the throttle wasn't very responsive. I wonder if a new throttle cable would help that kevin. I'll bet it would.

I notice a lot of play in the pedal when I drive it, and I wonder if it's just crazy out of adjustment. One of these days I'm going to have a spare moment to fiddle with it and I'll figure it out.
I found my 3rd gen! :cool:

Hahaha I know I just figured I would tease a little lol.

I'll be making a new thread for the build shortly.