Neighborhood busy body


By endurance we conquer
My parents neighbor just sent out an email to the whole ward(including me) telling them that my parents peaches were ripe and needed to be picked as soon as possible. She said, there were some on the ground so we didn't want them. "Why would you pay for fruit when we have a free harvest here in our own neighborhood", she said?

By the time we responded to tell her they were not to be given out they were 100 percent gone. Even the ones on the ground. Probably 5 bushels worth. I don't blame the people that came and got the peaches, not their fault.

My sister is actually on the road up from Monticello to bottle them this weekend. Literally on the road.

WHAT THE CRAP IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE. Why would she think that she could give away our peaches. Luckily we bottled some a few weekends ago. They just weren't ripe enough so we thought we would bottle the rest this weekend along with making some jam.


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT

It doesnt surprise me, but at the same time it does...

I would just politely go around and ask your neighbors for what they picked back, maybe rude, but tell them to go to that sister and ask for say $1 per peach.

That is pretty low in my book. I could understand if permission was given, but to randomly just say "free to the public" is pretty messed up


By endurance we conquer
I wish I knew who picked what. I realize it isn't that big of a deal, but she is so nosey and annoying that this is sort of the last straw.

My mom called her and she said, "Well, I looked out there and they looked like they were going to start falling so I figured you didn't want them. If you want you can go over to the next block and ask sister _____ if you can pick her peaches."
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Well-Known Member
I am with COCO, it does and doesn't surprise me. Surprises me cause that just not right, but it doesn't surprise me cause I feel that some people in the church tend to take to much advantage of other people because they are also members. Not sure if I am coming across the right way or not. My dad gets something similar to this a lot, or use to when he was working, he always had people that expected a deal because they were members of the church with him, not thinking that he still has to make a living. Still not sure if I am making sense. Obviously the email reached and was read by many, maybe send a email saying that they were not for anyone and everyone and you would appreciate them back. Could be rude but if thats what your family uses for part of your food supply. Also send one or talk to that lady and let her know that they are not for everyone. Maybe get her to send out another email saying she was mistaken and to please return the peaches


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Could you politely but firmly do a "reply all" to her email and explain that they weren't free, someone was on their way from Monticello to can them, and now you're just fawked thanks to somebody who can't just mind their own business?

Won't do anything to recoup the lost peaches. But, if firmly and clearly enough stated in a Reply To All, might at least get the busy body to keep her nose out of your business?

We have a Drama Queen busy body in my neighborhood. I finally got so fed up with her I just told her right to her face to stay the F**K OUT OF MY BUSINESS. She hasn't spoken a word to me since, gives me dirty looks every time I wave to her, tells lies about me to my other neighbors, but at least she has stayed out of my business...



Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
I wish I knew who picked what. I realize it isn't that big of a deal, but she is so nosey and annoying that this is sort of the last straw.

My mom called her and she said, "Well, I looked out there and they looked like they were going to start falling so I figured you didn't want them. If you want you can go over to the next block and ask sister _____ if you can pick her peaches."

I hear you on this. I have been a situation like this a couple times.

I am with COCO, it does and doesn't surprise me. Surprises me cause that just not right, but it doesn't surprise me cause I feel that some people in the church tend to take to much advantage of other people because they are also members. Not sure if I am coming across the right way or not. My dad gets something similar to this a lot, or use to when he was working, he always had people that expected a deal because they were members of the church with him, not thinking that he still has to make a living. Still not sure if I am making sense. Obviously the email reached and was read by many, maybe send a email saying that they were not for anyone and everyone and you would appreciate them back. Could be rude but if thats what your family uses for part of your food supply. Also send one or talk to that lady and let her know that they are not for everyone. Maybe get her to send out another email saying she was mistaken and to please return the peaches

Could you politely but firmly do a "reply all" to her email and explain that they weren't free, someone was on their way from Monticello to can them, and now you're just fawked thanks to somebody who can't just mind their own business?

Won't do anything to recoup the lost peaches. But, if firmly and clearly enough stated in a Reply To All, might at least get the busy body to keep her nose out of your business?

We have a Drama Queen busy body in my neighborhood. I finally got so fed up with her I just told her right to her face to stay the F**K OUT OF MY BUSINESS. She hasn't spoken a word to me since, gives me dirty looks every time I wave to her, tells lies about me to my other neighbors, but at least she has stayed out of my business...


I would definitely try this. Especially when you already got family on the road heading up there to can them.

If she included all the email addresses, I would definitely reply to all (including her) letting everyone know that they were not freebies...

It seems silly, but we had an incident with a couple neighbors that actually went to the bishopric and they made an announcement during sac. meeting.

Some people just think you are only around to help them and make there life easy, and not anyone else. The "deal" thing happens way more than it should too. I could understand if it is a friend outside of church, but just another member they need to understand.


Well-Known Member
Could you politely but firmly do a "reply all" to her email and explain that they weren't free, someone was on their way from Monticello to can them, and now you're just fawked thanks to somebody who can't just mind their own business?


Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
I like peaches..


Some people just need to mind their own business.


By endurance we conquer
I tried to reply all but the email was sent out without showing the addresses. It only sent the email to her. She replied by saying we could go pick the other peaches.

I wish it was the first time this has happened.

If my mom is okay with it I am going to ask the neighbor to send out an email asking to have the peaches returned.


By endurance we conquer
To me this has nothing to do with the church, except that was the email list she had.

This has to do with one stupid neighbor.

Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
I think she should be the one to send out the email. At the same time apologizing to your family for taking it upon herself to give away something that wasn't hers. Why would the rest of your neighbors/ church members to take the word of someone else that it was ok to have a free for all in your parents yard anyway?


Well-Known Member
If my mom is okay with it I am going to ask the neighbor to send out an email asking to have the peaches returned.

Absolutely! I would explain that your sister was on her way up from Monticello to can the peaches for the family, and that not only did her inconsiderate email waste her time driving up here, but now your family is without peaches. Explain how your family is at a loss and how inconsiderate you think it is. Help her realize that her enthusiastic need to be a busybody had consequences for your family, and she obviously did not have your family's best interests in mind when sending that out.

Even if my best friend lived next to me, I wouldn't tell anyone to go take their fruit without permission of the owner. What a whack job.
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Wow what a crazy situation. I have a peach (and pear) tree in Midvale that will not be picked if your family actually want the fruit.. But that doesn't change crazy neighbor issues.
Next year when the tree is getting close to picking time stuck a big sign up that says "no matter what she tells you, these are not for you"


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
A follow up email that the neighbor has an abundance of flowers, zucchini, tomatoes, cats, dogs, etc and they are just going to waste will be an appropriate response. :greg:

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Absolutely! I would explain that your sister was on her way up from Monticello to can the peaches for the family, and that not only did her inconsiderate email waste her time driving up here, but now your family is without peaches. Explain how your family is at a loss and how inconsiderate you think it is. Help her realize that her enthusiastic need to be a busybody had consequences for your family, and she obviously did not have your family's best interests in mind when sending that out.

Even if my best friend lived next to me, I wouldn't tell anyone to go take their fruit without permission of the owner. What a whack job.

Word. I would do exactly this, make her write an email to the same list explaining that she didn't have the authority to give away your peaches and asking everybody to bring them back to you. If she refuses I'd take her to small claims for the value of the peaches. She's just completely out of line, and needs to be taught some boundaries.
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By endurance we conquer

my sister just called a tow truck because her car broke down on the way. she was just outside of price. I can't go get her right now because it is parent teacher conferences and well, I am a teacher. I can go get her after, putting me home at midnight or so. This just keeps getting better:rofl:.

Johnny Quest

Web Wheeler
West Jordan
by now, the peaches are probably long gone (eaten), so there's not much use asking for them back. However, I would absolutely figure out the market value of what was taken, plus traveling expenses, and let the the ward that was included in the email know, and if at all possible, have 'Busy Body' send out another email saying how she was in the wrong.