Neighborhood busy body


Formerly Maldito X
This aggravates me to no end. I cannot stand nosy people, even more knowing that they directly impacted your family because if their stupidity. I agree 100% that this person should be taught a lesson. Either small claims court or a formal apology and email to all parties involved admitting to her stupid mistake and apology to your family. Anything less will not get the message through.


Formerly black_ZJ
I know a half bushel(I think that's what size we buy anyway) is $15-18 up in Brigham City, so 5 bushels would run $75-90 plus gas puts you at $100 or so. If I were your parents I would have had the police at this neighbor's home making them very aware that it was not right to encourage others to trespass and steal from them, because that's exactly what this idiot neighbor did.
Absolutely! I would explain that your sister was on her way up from Monticello to can the peaches for the family, and that not only did her inconsiderate email waste her time driving up here, but now your family is without peaches. Explain how your family is at a loss and how inconsiderate you think it is. Help her realize that her enthusiastic need to be a busybody had consequences for your family, and she obviously did not have your family's best interests in mind when sending that out.

Even if my best friend lived next to me, I wouldn't tell anyone to go take their fruit without permission of the owner. What a whack job.



If the Chick Digs it ....
Lehi, UT
Thats really sad that happened. We had a neighbor that would do stuff like this not because she thought she was being helpful but because she thought that it was ugly and wanted it cleaned up. Sounds to me that your parents neighbor is the same.

You should have your parents tell her that they would be happy to trade something in exchange for the peaches they gave away.

For us it was a neighbor who kept offering up my services as a mechanic to fix peoples cars. She figured since I did it for neighbors and friends for free when they needed help, that she should spread the love to everyone. Problem with that was, she was offering someone elses time, and that I took it case by case depending on how "in-need" the person asking was, and whether I had the time. If it was someone just looking for a handout I would refer them to a good mechanic, but someone in a jam depending on the car for a job or something ...

She took it as a opportunity to offer this to any and everyone people I had never met, and so forth. It was easy enough to fix, I just told her, to feel free to give out my info and I would be glad to do work on the people she sent my way, if she would just take over the music lessons (she taught music out of her home) for my kids in return, so I could offload that burden and free up some time to work on them. Suddenly she didn't like to offer her time up free and quickly back pedaled out of the situation. I have not had that issue since.
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By endurance we conquer
Well, every member of my family has talked to this lady and explained what she did was wrong. My mom refused to let me ask her to get the peaches back. While I think it is wrong, it was my moms peaches not mine. I guess all I have left is making fun of the lady next time I see her. You can assure that will happen.:rolleyes:

If one good thing came of this it was my mom actually talked to the lady to resolve the problem. For my mom that is a VERY big step. Usually it is left to me to fix the problems of the family. Mostly because I will actually fix them rather than be nice.


Well-Known Member
Thats really sad that happened. We had a neighbor that would do stuff like this not because she thought she was being helpful but because she thought that it was ugly and wanted it cleaned up. Sounds to me that your parents neighbor is the same.

I think you're on to something here. That's the only explanation that makes sense. I have a few neighbors like that.


No Ogden
We are our brothers keeper. However; we are not our brothers baby sitter. If people make a decision to do something, that is their choice. If we interfere and force a choice, we are taking away peoples agency. There was a big discussion on this fact a long, long time ago. Free agency won. My neighbors on both sides of my house are no longer active because of this exact same problem. My neighbors made a choice to take offence to the point that they changed their life style. That is their choice and it is not putting my family, theirs, or anyone else's in mortal danger. Kudos to your mom for confronting this lady. To many people do nothing, and this problem propagates. Next time you see this lady. Drop the taking our free agency bomb on her. see if she catches the hint. Sorry for the rant. This is a pet peeve of mine.