Netflix making a murderer


somewhat damaged
I'm into episode 4 now. This is unbelievable.
-The statements made by Brendan are so completely pushed on him. Any chance he gets to talk to his mom, he tells her he didn't do anything. These guys are so ill-educated, that I think the only thing they have in common is the truth they tell each other.
-Iffin something had gone down in the trailer, where is the blood/sex fluids/etc.

So far, I am sure there is crooked cops. I believe the key was planted by those cops from '95.
Who killed here, I don't know.

The kid had nothing to do with it.

Edit: With the cut open evidence box of blood, this has gotten a LOT more interesting!!

That's where I stand. There is no phyiscal evidence of Brendan's statements in the trailer or the garage. There is NO way they would have been able to clean that garage had something happened. It was so full of junk that would be impossible to clean up, nor was it ever cleaned before the search.

The evidence box is what made me change my mind as well. That is some crooked shit.


Well-Known Member
West jordan
Watched it over the weekend. I think it's pretty crooked. The fact that somebody found the car on a 40 acre lot filled with hundreds of cars with in 25 min. They never found a single piece of evidence until the local sheriffs office started coming onsite even though they were not supposed to be involved. The fact that any evidence they did find happened to all be found by the local sheriffs. Not the neighboring county sheriffs... All to shady...


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Okay, I've now watched all except the last episode.

First as a law enforcement officer it sickens me how this case was handled

Second it saddens me something like this could happen in our country

Third this reinforces my hatred for the vultures that call themselves the local media

I feel terrible for both families who's lives all have been ruined by this debauchery of the alleged justice system
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I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
There have been some recent stories come out that the film maker left some things out that made him look more "guilty", but even after reading those articles, I have not seen anything presented that is any actual hard evidence. Like stated before, I cannot see how this crime was committed in the manner that the prosecution presented it and that they could not find any blood evidence anywhere in the house and garage. But along those same lines, in that same story they also talked about a couple of jury members that had relatives that worked for the Sheriff that probably should have not been on the jury.

My big take away from this still is that it is not innocent until proven guilty and the interrogation ethics displayed were questionable at best.


somewhat damaged
"The juror, who voted to convict Avery, only did so out of fear for his/her personal safety, Demos said."

"The juror told the filmmakers that they hoped a split verdict would send a message to the appellate courts to give Avery a new trial."



Smooth Gang Founding Member
I'm not sure if he did it or not but I thought the legal system had to prove that... Guess not!
I feel similarly about this as I do with Serial- not enough evidence to convict or prove innocence so they just convict. It's crazy!
I thought Brendan would get a re-trial and get out to be honest. The fact that they can convict him even after showing all of the wrongdoings of his original lawyer and the prosecution and not to mention the COMPLETE lack of physical evidence sickens me. Poor kid


But stuck more often.
We finished watching it last night. For the first few shows I thought for sure he was innocent. But when the blood smear didn't have that ETD.....whatever stuff in it I started to wonder if maybe he did do it. For me there was no 100% sure way of knowing. The prosocution did not prove it. I would have to give a not guilty verdict.

As for people trying to get Obama involved, they're stupid.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I haven't finished it yet, but the RAV4 key stands out to me. Until I replaced the ignition, you could have started my 4Runner with about any Toyota key you wanted. My last 4Runner was the same way, others are too, my sisters early Corolla was the same, it's a thing with 80s and 90s Toyotas. Did they ever find her DNA on that key? Did they ever demonstrate that that was specifically her key?