New Bike! '08 KTM 300 XC

Some updates for the 300...

The bars weren't high enough for me and I felt like they were too close while standing. I also really noticed my hands hurting about an hour into each ride, seems like the 2 stroke vibs were getting to me, along with the angle of my wrists on the bars. After talking to Paul at Highway Dirtbikes I picked up some risers, the mount for a under-bars Scotts Steering Stabilizer (to be added later on) and some anti-vibration bar inserts. I also added one of Paul's folding mirrors, so I can keep an easy eye on riding buddies that were behind me and fold it away when not needed. I also wanted to add an Enduro Engineering Clutch Slave Cyl. Guard that I've had kicking around for awhile... if the chain ever breaks, it won't destroy an engine case or clutch slave cyl.

There is a good 'before' picture on the previous page, showing the height of the bars so I won't add another one. Here's the parts for the bars and the handguards, after pulling them off....










And the Enduro Engineering case/slave guard...





The HDB risers also move the bars forward, which is great for my 6' 4" body. Sitting and standing on the bike in the garage, the bars feel much better. Hopefully I can get the bike out next weekend and test the new position and parts... as long as it's somewhat cool!
Those mirrors are rad. That would be a far superior solution to my current mirror woes. Thanks for the tip.

They're great, stash out of the way when not needed and easy to flip out easy enough when you need to see behind you! Paul's hand guards are awesome, there are no other guards out there that compare.
Oh... since the peanut gallery really liked the Hyde Racing skid plate/pipe guard... it took a beating on 5MOH, and my pipe is still straight! :cody: The scratch on the very top of the skidplate is the deepest, the pipe guard did just what it was supposed to do!


bikes looking awesome, how much rise did you get with the high bend bars and risers, Im running pastrana bends and 1" risers and a tall seat, Ive been thinking about lowered pegs Im 6'5, Im thinking you have a lot more rise on your triples. curious if it effects your cornering.
bikes looking awesome, how much rise did you get with the high bend bars and risers, Im running pastrana bends and 1" risers and a tall seat, Ive been thinking about lowered pegs Im 6'5, Im thinking you have a lot more rise on your triples. curious if it effects your cornering.

Thanks James! The bars are up pretty high, the risers are 3", plus the bike had KX bend bars. It looks pretty tall and I'm slightly concerned how it will effect cornering, but it feels real good standing up over the bike. I have another set of risers that are 1 3/4" if the 3" are too tall. We will see, if I have to lower them to the smaller rise, it will probably be a good compromise.
I would like a little more rise, or lowered pegs just to have more support when standing, but im troubled with the choice between disturbing my cornering or having my feet closer to rock and stump hazards.. Hopefully you will report on how your bike feels with those risers.
Bike looks awesome Greg. How hard would it be to put one of those mirrors on non HWDB hand guards? Could you just drill and tap the guard where you want it? I ran into a guy up AF last year with an xr400 modded heavily with HWDB products. He had the same mirror and it looked like it worked great. It was such a cool bike.

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I'm sure it could be done, but the mirrors have a half round end that has a matching machined part on the hand guards for a more secure fit. Like I said, it could be done but I won't ever fit as nice as the HDB setup. IMO, it's well worth the couple hundred to just get the HDB guards. I've got one of these mirrors in my garage waiting to go on my current bike, I'll take some pictures of it in a bit.
So I'm heading out riding with a couple RME'ers tomorrow in my neck of the woods... the weather is supposed to be shitty, but sometimes that's the deal! I decided to tackle some much needed maintenance...

The 300 has needed some attention, soI dropped in a new air filter, new spark plug (just to be safe, it wasn't fouled) and took the Knobbie Knife to the Maxxis Desert IT in the rear and sharpened the edges... I rode the bike around the back yard and it's running GREAT! Feels like it's a new 2 stroke again, runs very crisp and clean. I'm excited to get out and ride tomorrow, even with the rain! :eek:
Well, I've been working on the bike since the St George Winter ride, cleaning & upgrading the mighty 300. It now has a SX cylinder head (high compression) and I decided with the added compression & heat, it was a good time to upgrade the cooling system. The bike is now sporting a fancy aluminum water pump impeller and Evans Racing coolant.

The bike also got some more maintenance, new plug & air filter, as well as the trans fluid changed.

I pulled off my massive pipe guard to do some of the work and was a bit surprised to see that my factory pipe had some dents in it! :eek2: :-\ So much for the fancy skidplate... Guess it's time to order an FMF Gnarly! :greg:

I will admit that any dents in the pipe were probably courtesy of 21 Road... and I think I know right where it would have happened. Probably the part where I accidentally drove the front end off a 3' ledge and had to drag the bike the rest of the way off. :busted: Aftermarket pipes are built thicker, so hopefully this won't be an issue with a new pipe.


I took the bike out for a test ride in my backyard and the high compression head is very noticeable, even more with the ignition mapping switch set on 'aggressive'. The bike comes on pretty hard with the aggressive mapping, but it's softened with the mild ignition curve if you flip the switch that way. I think having these options will really help tune the bike for the type of riding I'll be doing, technical singletrack should be plenty managable. Before with the stock head, you could hardly tell a difference in the ignition maps.

That's about it... my rear tire, a Maxxis Desert IT, is showing it's age and miles. I'll probably putting on a new tire within a month or 2.