New World Order

Anybody else looked into this at all? It scares the hell of me! I mean, I'm not against joining the world together but the fact that our political "leaders" for lack of a better word, are keeping this so secret.

Why did Arizona have to develop there own state laws to help with the immigration crisis? Where's the federal laws protecting us?

They're nowhere because it's all part of "THE PLAN."

Do people not realize that we survive on diversity? If only one belief existed on the world, people will not survive.

It works with every othere species in the world, why are humans different? Well I don't think we are? We all are made up of the same bio-mass, humans, reptiles, and any othere species that share this dying planet with us.

Just curious who feels like I do, If you disagree, cool, I'd like to hear what others think and the information you may have come across.

Let's chat


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
ha ha, this is the same BS that Denis Nazari was spouting off around election time...when he said "I know for 100% fact that McCain will win this election, ask me how I know" to try and find interest in his cause.

Well, that didn't turn out so well ha ha.

What a bunch of conspiracy theory BS.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I was going to read that whole thing until I got here:

BECAUSE: Massive illegal immigration is the PLAN of the New World Order of which President George W. Bush is an integral part!

.. and then I realized that I am out of tinfoil.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
It's not like the US has had these boundaries for the last 300 years. I actually think we will be more fractured than united in the future. I picture 3 nations, A western nation consisting of California to Colorado and then down to Panama created and a Midwestern nation going to Ohio, possibly including states like the Carolin's and Florida and an Eastern nation with what's left.



Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I think you all should read "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" and "None Dare Call It Treason". They are all old enough that you can read what they say and then compare with what has actually happened. I do believe there is an evil force at work in the world but it lives within each one of us and it is our task in life to overcome it.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
It's not like the US has had these boundaries for the last 300 years. I actually think we will be more fractured than united in the future. I picture 3 nations, A western nation consisting of California to Colorado and then down to Panama created and a Midwestern nation going to Ohio, possibly including states like the Carolin's and Florida and an Eastern nation with what's left.

Utah will not join the nation of Californication. Maybe before the whole gay marriage and medical marijuana. ;) Ouch, I just hurt my hand typing this, I may have to move. Just kidding, I am not my nephew living in Oregon.

I think Utah, Arizona, Southern Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska and Wyoming will be its own country. The northern part of Idaho and the western part of Montana will be another country and everything east of these states will be another country with the exception of Texas who will be a country all to its own.

I go to Dallas a couple of times a year and one of my clients there has a sign on the front door that reads in all caps, "THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT MEXICO SO DON'T EXPECT US TO SPEAK SPANISH." I would say that nearly 30% of the employees carry at work. They're ready to break off now.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Utah will not join the nation of Californication. Maybe before the whole gay marriage and medical marijuana. ;) Ouch, I just hurt my hand typing this, I may have to move. Just kidding, I am not my nephew living in Oregon.

I think Utah, Arizona, Southern Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska and Wyoming will be its own country. The northern part of Idaho and the western part of Montana will be another country and everything east of these states will be another country with the exception of Texas who will be a country all to its own.

I go to Dallas a couple of times a year and one of my clients there has a sign on the front door that reads in all caps, "THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT MEXICO SO DON'T EXPECT US TO SPEAK SPANISH." I would say that nearly 30% of the employees carry at work. They're ready to break off now.

The big reason for California/Mexico is Commerce. It's hard to have a country survive if it's landlocked. Access to the gulf and pacific helps with any future commerce the new nation would have. Trade with the Far east and Europe is possible if you control both. The eastern/midwestern nations would have to go through panama (which I designated to the western) or truck across. Both options depend on friendly relations. Utah and California may disagree with political and social issues but with the right amount of $ at stake anything may happen.


Active Member
I think we should put nuclear bombs along all of California's borders from Oregon to Mexico. Explode them all to break off this Zombielalaland and let it float around the Pacific hopefully moving southward to merge with Antarctica. The world then may regain some sanity though I doubt it. Oh I forgot, before breaking off California, the Republic of Boulder will need to be cut into small chunks, trucked out of Colorado, and reassembled in what is now Death Valley but will soon be Ice Death Valley when California and Antarctica hopefully merge. Might as well move all the violent Mexican border towns to California too before shoving California off the continent. May the Force be with us all. We all must remember to be wearing our tin foil hats before the bombs go off.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I think we should put nuclear bombs along all of California's borders from Oregon to Mexico. Explode them all to break off this Zombielalaland and let it float around the Pacific hopefully moving southward to merge with Antarctica. The world then may regain some sanity though I doubt it. Oh I forgot, before breaking off California, the Republic of Boulder will need to be cut into small chunks, trucked out of Colorado, and reassembled in what is now Death Valley but will soon be Ice Death Valley when California and Antarctica hopefully merge. Might as well move all the violent Mexican border towns to California too before shoving California off the continent. May the Force be with us all. We all must remember to be wearing our tin foil hats before the bombs go off.

This sounds just as reasonable as the rest of it.

spoken like a true sheep following the brain control of the "thems" and "theys". Get outside of it man and see the truth

right. Pardon my knowledge of history and economics....and ****ing reality. ha ha

But, if and when these new countries split off (which would come via civil war--there is no way a government that is seeking MORE power would just 'give up' all of the resources in these other areas just to split geographically centered political dissimilarities apart (which begs the next question, would the militia rise to overpower the federal government in some romantic tale of the power of people, or would the armed forces splinter conveniently based upon the geographic location of the base (which makes perfect sense since we all know the people on the base hold allegiance to the region in which the base resides)) I already know the ballots for the potential leadership (assuming they would still be governed by a democratic government). I know this from my readings on and Al Gore's forthcoming book "The People's Guide to Alarmism: A New Way to Manufacture Important Issues to Divert Our Attention From More Pressing Issues Such As Learning To Coexist With an Increasingly Diverse Population and An Economy That is Fast Moving Towards Globalization Whether You Like It Or Not".

In the Westamerica, the candidates would be:
A) Manbearpig
B) Bigfoot
C) The Ghost of Davey Crocket
D) Arnold Schwarzenegger (he will remove all evidence that he to, is an immigrant, just from a country we seem to hate less)

In the new Midwestamerica, the candidates would be
A) Buddy Clinton
b) Manbearpig (these elections are held a week after--this is coordinated even though the countries are no longer affiliated--well actually they will be affiliated after the political and business leaders form a new faction and decide that we will now be the United Unions of United States of America (no coincidence that UUUSA sounds like a victory chant))
c) A piece of corn bread
d) Jed--a member of the local militia that spread word (much like Paul Revere--but on a Wiki site) of the potential split of the world's most influential superpower and will now lead us out of the destitute, horrible, filthy standard of living that we have all been so accustomed to.

In Eastamerica, the candidates would be
A) the Situation
B) Chucacabra
C) Manbearpig (presuming he lost the first two elections)
d) who cares

Ins't fiction fun?
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