Nice Places To Eat In Downtown SLC

Mead, WA
I can't eat in a place that a 5? year old was killed by people who put him in a garbage can full of ice water.. I would rather eat cockroaches

I hope they fry!!!!!!!!! :mad2:

To keep on topic, Flemings has the best steak in town, hands down. Of course, if you like your steak well done, go to Ruth's and eat their leather shoes. I think Flemings still has a Prime Rib special on Sundays, too. Two can eat prime rib on Sundays for about $70. Other nights bring $150 with if you plan on wine and dessert.

As for the Melting Pot, I can't go out to eat, but still have to cook my own dinner and STILL end up paying $100....:rolleyes:


Sgt. CulPepper
So it all boiled down to one spot last night. Since it was our anniversary I finally decided to go somewhere a little more expensive and kind of fancy. We went to Flemings. WOW. That was the best steaks I have ever eaten. I also got he wine vine so I could try a couple different wines. I had red and my wife had white. Luckily for me she did not like two of her three choices so I was able to drink all five. She had the 2 lobster tails. Again luckily for me she could only eat one and I received the other. WOW for the lobster to. They were huge and very delicious. To top it all off I finished the evening with a Hefeweizen:D and peach cobbler.

;)Thanks for all the suggestions I will continue to view this thread and try to get to SLC more often to try all the other places you mentioned.


Sgt. CulPepper
Other nights bring $150 with if you plan on wine and dessert.

Dam your good right on the money. That is exactly what I paid. Add a tip and it was $175.
But if I wasn't enjoying the drinks so much it would have been cheaper. But it's only money and we had a great time so what the hell.:D

Mead, WA
Dam your good right on the money. That is exactly what I paid. Add a tip and it was $175.
But if I wasn't enjoying the drinks so much it would have been cheaper. But it's only money and we had a great time so what the hell.:D

I laugh at people that say Ruth's or Outback has the best steak... Not even close. Outback is ok, for a $20 steak. What's that other steak house you guys have, Texas something rather (theres one in SugarHouse around 21st and 13th?) and that's pretty good too, but...

The first time I went, the head chef thought he owed me (he's the one that told me to come in and ask for him for the best steak of my life)... But he gave us a bottle of wine (I told him what we were having and to pick something to compliment it) and covered our dessert and I think we still dropped close to $150 after the tip (I can't find the register entry - I might have used a credit card?)... Granted, since a lot of it was comped and the server was awesome, I left a large tip. But I did find the one from the Melting Pot and it was $240! The wife loves it, but I've never been back. Now we have a Melting Pot in Spokane and she has been bugging me to take her....


I laugh at people that say Ruth's or Outback has the best steak... Not even close. Outback is ok, for a $20 steak. What's that other steak house you guys have, Texas something rather (theres one in SugarHouse around 21st and 13th?) and that's pretty good too, but...

Are you thinking of Lonestar? That's the only steakhouse around that area that I can remember.

I've always been pretty partial to Carvers out in the automall, though it's been a long time since I've been there.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Flemmings is my favorite!
The guys at work wanted to go to Sizzler for lunch the other day. They just could not understand why I only got the salad bar when the steak special was only a $1 more:ugh: (Cheese toast is the ONLY redeeming quality)

Yes, I am a foody, food snob, what ever....I like good food, don't mind paying for it when it is good, and I love to spend a couple hours at dinner just enjoying the food, drink, and company:)


Flemmings is my favorite!
The guys at work wanted to go to Sizzler for lunch the other day. They just could not understand why I only got the salad bar when the steak special was only a $1 more:ugh: (Cheese toast is the ONLY redeeming quality)

Yes, I am a foody, food snob, what ever....I like good food, don't mind paying for it when it is good, and I love to spend a couple hours at dinner just enjoying the food, drink, and company:)

I think that the last time I went to Sizzler was probably almost 20 years ago with my grandparents.....the one and only time. Crappy steak even back then. I'm the same way with steaks as you. I'll go to the store and spend 15-20 bucks just on a Ribeye for myself. The 4-5 dollar steaks, well, those aren't good eating and should probably be used for something else ;)

Good food is meant to be enjoyed and taste better......and most of the time, you definately get what you pay for. :cool:


Sgt. CulPepper
I like good food, don't mind paying for it when it is good, and I love to spend a couple hours at dinner just enjoying the food, drink, and company:)

I agree. I also like the feel of a more upscale, fancy, quiet restaurant. When I am paying a lot for dinner I want to be able to hear what the person I am with is saying to me. I am not saying that I hate going to restaurants that are more casual, or have some music or t.v.'s going because I do like them and I enjoy going to those types of places on a regular basis. But for some occasions it is just nice to have it quiet and relaxing. And Flemings was a perfect setting for that type of dining;)

Mead, WA
I love Flemings for all it is. I would have liked it even more if it wasn't downtown. ;)

Yes! Lonestar!! It's not bad... The ambiance helps it,too... That's about the only steak house I frequented when I lived in UT. Can't afford Fleming's 4-6 times a month ;)

Isn't it Ruth's that has the sign all over the place touting their "Voted best steak in the valley"? We ate there once and never went back. I've had better steak at Sizzler and I won't eat their steak either ;)

When we go to Outback, I usually get their steak, but lately I've been opting for pasta because their cuts have been terrible the last year or so....


New Member
The Melting Pot is good, but way too expensive for what you get. I could season some broth at home and cook what ever I want for a quarter of the price. The first time we went the service was awesome, but the second time blowed and I don't think I will ever go back.

Red Iguana has, IMO, the best Mexican food in Utah! I love and crave that place.

I think that Wayne was talking about Texas Road House (though they aren't at the address listed). I thought they were the best ribs I have ever found until we found a recipe and cooked them ourself. They kicked butt over TRH.

I hear the best Sunday brunch is at the Grand America. Haven't tried it but would like to. I have also heard that The Roof is excellent food too but haven't been there either.

Mmm. Now I'm hungry.


Sgt. CulPepper
I went to Texas Road House when they first opened in Ogden. Worst service I have ever had in my life. They sat us down, 20 minutes until someone even came to our table to give us drinks, then another 10 inutes to order. Finally got the food by then my drink was gone, I asked for a refill and the waiter acted like I asked him to walk ten miles to a store to get me one. Never got another drink, he never came back. The food was okay, especially for the price, there was 5 of us and the bill was somewhere near 50 bucks. Not to bad if you have a large family you need to feed.
Safe to say I will NEVER go back, maybe it was just a bad day to go but first impressions at a restaurant are the determining factor if I will ever return.:-\

Mead, WA
Red Iguana has, IMO, the best Mexican food in Utah! I love and crave that place.

I think that Wayne was talking about Texas Road House (though they aren't at the address listed). I thought they were the best ribs I have ever found until we found a recipe and cooked them ourself. They kicked butt over TRH.

I hear the best Sunday brunch is at the Grand America. Haven't tried it but would like to. I have also heard that The Roof is excellent food too but haven't been there either.

Mmm. Now I'm hungry.

Nope, Lonestar.. He nailed it :D

Best mexican that I had was some little old cedar house (don't remember the name of the place, I know they also had one in Provo) in Lindon, right on State St just past the 'new' Walmart, just at the bottom of the hill.... Awesome food, fast and awesome service everytime we went and always cheap. We'd always get out of there for ~$20 and I'd barelly finish mine, while the wife would always take nearly half of hers home.

You all got it made.... You could not have this discussion up here for Spokane... If you did, it would only be you and about 5 or 6 TTT messages. I don't know what it is or why, but there are 0 good restaurants up here. Even the chains (Chili's, Denny's, Olive Garden, etc) are 'ok' and that's pushing it. We've found maybe 3 good places to eat in the entire town and you are talking to someone that eats out 3-5 times a week, so I've been around.


New Member
I went to Texas Road House when they first opened in Ogden. Worst service I have ever had in my life. They sat us down, 20 minutes until someone even came to our table to give us drinks, then another 10 inutes to order. Finally got the food by then my drink was gone, I asked for a refill and the waiter acted like I asked him to walk ten miles to a store to get me one. Never got another drink, he never came back. The food was okay, especially for the price, there was 5 of us and the bill was somewhere near 50 bucks. Not to bad if you have a large family you need to feed.
Safe to say I will NEVER go back, maybe it was just a bad day to go but first impressions at a restaurant are the determining factor if I will ever return.:-\

Wow that sucks! I hope that waiter didn't get a tip. I am a big tipper but when service is that bad I figure they don't deserve one (or even want one). That is the opposite of my experiences there. My service always been at least good there but usually great. I requested some rolls and butter to take home to my wife because she loves them and couldn't be there that night and the waitress GAVE me 30 rolls and a pint or so of the butter. I figured the approx cost of the free food and gave it to her on top of her regular tip.

1\4elliptic toy

The Dark Side
Yes, I am a foody, food snob, what ever....I like good food, don't mind paying for it when it is good, and I love to spend a couple hours at dinner just enjoying the food, drink, and company:)

I could not say it better myself! I spend money on all different kinds of things that will never give me the memories I have had at a great restaurant with great friends! It is very normal for Wendy and I to spent 150- 250 for dinner on the weekends.