NJ Drone swarms

I have been getting a stream of Ukraine volunteer fighters on Youtube also. Priming us for the conflict to come?

One of the dudes on my WABDR ride is a professional drone pilot. He owns a company that is actively building drones intended to be used by the military. He said he has a drone that will carry pounds of explosives a mile away. It's operated through a fiber optic cable that is carries up to a mile of, so no faraday cage protection. He claims, and I believe him, that he can fly one into a shoe box sized window at full speed. I saw what he could do with a drone and it's terrifying to a dumb gun guy like me.
Suppressed shotgun with rock salt or rubber riot rounds sounds like a lot more fun than nets. It's "less" lethal and quieter so it's gotta be kosher, right?
Kinda crazy that we’re now seeing “air to air combat” videos, although I’m convinced it’s US GOV vs private recreational drones.

There’s theories that they’re sniffing for dirty bombs, which is concerning
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People are dumb enough to think any light in the sky is a drone. ANY light. Including stars.

This. As the resident drone professional with over 10 years of professional drone experience dealing with military contractors all the way down to joe-schmoe on a mountain bike complaining about my drone, I have come to the exact same conclusion. People are dumb and will think anything is a drone. People do not generally look up. People do not regularly educate themselves as to what is flying over their heads through sites like ADSB exchange or Remote ID apps. Starlink launches STILL surprise people after being a thing for like 5 years now.

People think drones are spying on them personally to which one must ask oneself, "Am I interesting enough to be spied upon?" to which the obvious answer is most probably NO. You and I are boring. We don't do anything worth being spied upon generally. Nobody cares about you, what you are doing in your backyard or what you are wearing outside of our home.

If I wanted to "spy" on you with a drone, you will not see the drone. You will not hear the drone and I sure as shit will not turn the navigation lights on if I am "spying" on a target. There are hundreds of explanations for people doing perfectly legitimate business with drones. Those people doing legitimate business will have their nav lights on.

Could bad people be spying on military bases? Sure. Is it anything for you personally to worry about? Nope. nothing you can do about it. Absolutely do NOT shoot at drones. Do NOT interfere with drone use. You do NOT own the airspace over your home. You are NOT entitled to shoot down a drone flying over your property. If you can hit the drone with a rake then you might have a case in court that you were being unjustly harassed but other than that you have no expectation of privacy and you can do to jail for shooting down a drone. If you shoot down my drone, I am going to legally ruin your life. The most expensive drone I have been flying this year costs as much as a nice used truck.