Obama's lost brother


Just doing my thing.
I don't know Brett......... his brother is living on 12 dollars a year.

Maybe slide dude a twenty once in awhile......ya know. :rofl:


Just doing my thing.
It seems to me that a guy running an entire campaign for president on the words HOPE and CHANGE............might provide a little of that to his own brother.

Must be just me.


Just doing my thing.
I also find it difficult to believe that this same guy wants to give me HOPE...... and CHANGE my life for the better.

I guess I thought that was implied in my original post.


somewhat damaged
Not a fan of Obama, but I don't think that things like this should be a key reason sway a persons vote.

But what does America know now days besides what E entertainment and MTV tells them? (comment not related to your post)


Just doing my thing.
For me it just looks like he is all about symbolism and rhetoric...... no substance. Guy doesn't lift a finger to help family living in a shack...... but wants America to believe he's interested in our problems.

I'm new at posting here..... Politics is always controversial. Looked so obvious to me, but I realize others don't necessarily see it the same way.

This had me laughing my ass off though.



Mead, WA
I've never been opposed to change - until Obama. I'd much rather have Hilary in office than Obama. At least with Hilary, we already know how messed up she/that family is. Obama can't keep his stories straight. He changes his mind more often than my wife, and then denies it.

To be fair, I'm not a McCain supporter, either. Some reason he freaks me out.... Another "Turd Sandwiche" against a "Giant Douche" election....:rolleyes:


We're just on the expressway to shitdom right now anyway

EDIT: And I mean this because we never have a good "choice" for presidential elections.
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Active Member
Sandy, UT
For Petes sake people...enough of the rhetoric and crappola opinions.

If you want to find out if Obama is your man or not at least go to his website and look at his stances on the issues. http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

Personally, I'm not voting for him because I don't agree with him on most issues, not because he has a brother living in BFE Africa somewhere.


Just doing my thing.
For Petes sake people...enough of the rhetoric and crappola opinions.

Personally, I'm not voting for him because I don't agree with him on most issues, not because he has a brother living in BFE Africa somewhere.

Character matters. The media dismissed the issue of character with regard to Bill Clinton's well documented "affairs" prior to being elected president....... and look what he did to that office later.

I'm disappointed that you can't see it...... but if he gets elected you eventually will.


Active Member
Sandy, UT
Character matters. The media dismissed the issue of character with regard to Bill Clinton's well documented "affairs" prior to being elected president....... and look what he did to that office later.

I'm disappointed that you can't see it...... but if he gets elected you eventually will.

I didn't vote for Bill either, but at least the guy brought some ideas to the table....unlike a certain pressie who currently roams the White House halls.


formerly "rckcrlr"
I always promote voting and think we all need to vote. However, the last election and this one, I feel more like I am shooting my self in the foot....The right foot, or the left foot. Doesn't matter, still hurts just as much either way!


Active Member
Sandy, UT
I always promote voting and think we all need to vote. However, the last election and this one, I feel more like I am shooting my self in the foot....The right foot, or the left foot. Doesn't matter, still hurts just as much either way!

Milner, couldn't agree more.

I never thought I would actually put this in words, but guys like Bill Clinton and Bob Dole look positively terrific in light of the choices that we were/are forced with in 00', 04', and 08'.

Personally, I always thought Joe Lieberman would make a great prez and don't know why he didn't get more traction. I guess he wasn't polarizing enough and needed to be farther to the left or right. :-\ Oh well...


Just doing my thing.
Kbjames, what were some of Bill Clinton's ideas you thought were so great? Escalante National Monument?

I'm not a big fan of Bush either and he hasn't done everything I would have liked to have seen him do.

I don't doubt for a second however that he was the better choice between Al Gore and John Kerry.

I'm not wild about John McCain either, but it's still no contest with Obama.


Mead, WA
Kbjames, what were some of Bill Clinton's ideas you thought were so great? Escalante National Monument?

I'm not a big fan of Bush either and he hasn't done everything I would have liked to have seen him do.

I don't doubt for a second however that he was the better choice between Al Gore and John Kerry.

I'm not wild about John McCain either, but it's still no contest with Obama.

Exactly how I feel...:-\


Active Member
Sandy, UT

Can't say I'm surprised to hear the National Esalante Monument bit thrown around. No one is saying he was perfect and undoubtedly he had his flaws. Perhaps your too young to remember Bills achievements, but I'll name 10 quick ones:

1) deficit-reduction plan - Which was well on its way to a balanced budget in 2002 until Bush got into office.
2) College-loan payback plan
3) The Family and Medical Leave Act
4) welfare reform bill that ended federal guarantees.
5) Significantly reduced the number of government workers in bloated programs.
6) Implemented fiscal policies led to 30-year low in unemployment, and the fastest real-wage growth in 20 years.
7) The 1998 fiscal year ended with a federal budget surplus of $70 billion, the first surplus in decades.
8) Introduced prescription drug benefit plan, that brought relief to consumers of prescription drugs.
9) Released oil from the nation's strategic oil reserve in an attempt to lower home heating costs.
10) Expanded earned-income credit for the working poor.

And what would have been his best achievement, had it not been for short-sighted politics was the overhaul of health care in America. More than a decade later its become more and more evident that our current system will eventually collapse on itself and record numbers go without health insurance year after year.

So what has Bush done other than wasted billions on a war in Iraq that is unwinnable? Oh wait I forgot, we already won that war right? That big sign on the aircraft carrier said so...my bad!! :rolleyes: