OK Bearded guys...

I give out free hugs.

If I take my shirt off it is like getting a hug from a giant beard. Proceed to cry at the thought :eek2:

I reckon I start a thread on beards, I better throw my mug up as well. Not nearly as epic as Kiel's though, and Jeromy, I like that video of Harley from Epic Mealtime... Now, I did cleanup and get a haircut since this pic in late June. And I have thinned the beard down once. I HATE shaving. So I usually thin the sides and under the beard down without fully shaving it. But even thinning the beard, it still just goes wild. The gray hairs just won't be controlled. And usually, if I let the front get too long, it starts to "split" into two under the chin. Not far enough apart to "FuManchu" it. And its never straight enough to pull that off. So, I think I'll give some beard oil a try soon. What can it hurt. Somebody stop me though before I change to horn rim glasses and start swilling PBR...
jeromy, that's a badass beard. The 4 oz tin will last me usually 2 or 3 months no problem. I use about a dime sized amount after I shower each day