OK Bearded guys...

They say shampoo and conditioner actually dries out a beard. As for time savings, It takes less then 10 seconds to use the beard balm. Far less then shampoo and conditioner
The next question then is flammability? Last thing I need to do is get to close to the grinder/welder sparks and have my face burst into flames. If not, I might have to try some.
nothing flammable in them. Beard oil is actually referring to natural oils and butters. But I could make you up something petroleum based just for giggles.
obviously there are some beard balm and beard in general nay sayers! So obviously we need pics. Here's my I don't give a eff beard balm pic. By the way the wife hates it!
I saw that lol. I was drinking outta state draft beer when I took it if that offsets?
When I had what I thought was a beard and others though was just some weird stringy dirt on my face, I just used coconut oil. Worked well. But obviously I'm just here typing random shit and you shouldn't take my advice.
pictures of said dirty face


I had to search, but I think this was from around February...?
I can't be a beard snob, as I don't currently have much of one. ;) I'm working on it though!

I'll be waiting for my hug. :squint:

Someone please photoshop some clown makeup on this please, about the only way to make that picture of Carl scarier