Pet peeve of mine...yours?

"Passing lane": If I'm in the far left lane going 75 (in a 65), am I supposed to move over for you and get behind cars doing 60 because you're doing 85 behind me? We're both speeding, who is to say that I have to move over for you? I have driven the A7 from Hannover to Hamburg multiple times in a 3 cylinder Opel, and the A2 from Rinteln to Dortmund in a 911 at 250+km/h, I know when it is necessary to move to the right for oncoming traffic. Fact: In mild traffic, the left lane is going to be used as a standard lane of traffic to alleviate congestion.

We're all using the same roads people, get over yourself.

Yes, because it's common courtesy. Do you get mad at people going 65 in the left lane when you are going 75? 30 seconds behind someone going slower than you to be courteous to someone going faster than you won't hurt you at all.

With pets:

I've always wondered if it bothers people when my dog poops in your yard but I pick it up...?

Because its my yard, not yours, and not all people clean up after their animals...
..."Passing lane": If I'm in the far left lane going 75 (in a 65), am I supposed to move over for you and get behind cars doing 60 because you're doing 85 behind me? We're both speeding, who is to say that I have to move over for you?...

Yes, that is why it is the "passing" lane not the "maintaining lane". Yield to faster moving traffic. I expect people to get out of the way if I'm moving faster, just as I get out of the way if they are moving faster, who am I to police their speed?
Yes, because it's common courtesy. Do you get mad at people going 65 in the left lane when you are going 75?

No, actually I don't. I will pass them on the right, but I don't get uptight about it.

Yes, that is why it is the "passing" lane not the "maintaining lane". Yield to faster moving traffic. I expect people to get out of the way if I'm moving faster, just as I get out of the way if they are moving faster, who am I to police their speed?

Cruising down a 2 lane I15 in nowhere Utah I completely agree. I'll maintain my statement that in a mid traffic commuting situation, I'm not going to yield to you just because you're in my rear view if that means I'm going to be on my brakes to move over. I guess that makes me one of those "Utah" drivers everyone talks about :guilty:

Because its my yard, not yours, and not all people clean up after their animals...

I don't understand your response. Does it bother you if my dog poops in your yard, and I pick it up?
...I guess that makes me one of those "Utah" drivers everyone talks about :guilty:...

Yup, and you live amongst the best of them. :D

I driven a fair amount of miles this last year, Utah County is absolutely the worst. People write about the roads in Russia or the 2 land no shoulder roads of Baja, I've had more scary experiences in Utah Co. It's usually based around a broken down or pulled over car on the side of the road, everyone slows to 15 miles per hour... "are they in our ward?" :D

Reality is that while there might be a line of cars doing 60mph in the lane to the right, there will exist a reasonable gap for you to merge into, if nothing else temporarily while you let passing traffic by you. I'm not advocating riding someones tail while they wait for that gap but after a reasonable time I think you should in fact yield to the faster moving traffic. If everyone worked under this premise it would be a non issue, the guys doing 60 in the middle lane would move right and let you do 75, thus leaving the lane open for those of us that prefer 85.
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people who think baseball is a sport.

people who like their vehicle not because it's well suited for what they do, but because it's not a different vehicle.

restaurants that put tomatoes on food. Where the **** is the FDA on this?

EVERYTHING about hipsters (most notably; fixed gear bikes, PBR, etc)

Stephen Nielson.

overcooked bacon.

people who think that just because an accessory is made for their vehicle, their vehicle will be cooler if they have it.

I could honestly go on all night.
leaving the lights on in my house. (you can guess who does that)

I second Cody's hipster peeve. For me though, its mostly hipster guys.

I'm a pretty chill driver....not much gets to me but I hate it when I'm getting ready to merge into the lane on either side of me, and as soon as the guy behind and to the side sees my turn signal, they speed up to not let me in. I ALWAYS let people in. Even the idiots that turn in at the last minute, so I hate it when people are jerks and make me brake to get behind them.

trucks with too small tires for their lift.

gauge earrings big enough to stick a pencil through or bigger. Why? Why put a hole in your ear that big? It will always, always be ugly if you ever want to take it out!

toms shoes

fake eye lashes in mascara ads (I know, weird.)

when homeowners try to use that spray rubber stuff to fix their roof leak and then call me when it doesn't work. NEVER use that stuff on your roof!

when the president of the United States does all he can to ruin this great country with his socialist agenda.

the fact the the leaves on my sycamore tree don't fall off in the fall. They take their sweet time to slowly fall off all winter long.

My wife loves our dogs, I do not like them. I want to get rid of them, she won't let me. But guess who feeds them and takes care of them. Me.

end vent sesh.
Things that annoy me:
-When dudes wear skinny jeans. When was the last time you heard someone say " hey man, your skinny jeans are super manly" The answer is never. Plus no one likes seeing your mooseknuckle. Save the skinny jeans for the ladies .
--Cats. Snobby little bastards.
--When people walk their dog with no leash.
--Speaking of dogs I get annoyed by most "service animals". Unless you are blind you have no business taking your dog into grocery stores, airplane flights, hospitals ect. Is just an excuse so yuppies can take their dog with them everywhere they go. Case in point, i work in healthcare, and I recently met a woman who brought her service dog into the hospital. My curiosity got the better of me so I asked her about it. She told me her dog could smell her headaches, and tell her when they are starting. Then I asked her where the dog got trained, she replied " I certified him on the Internet." :rolleyes:BS.
--ANY trip to walmart.
--People who text while driving
--people who make you take off your shoes when you enter their house
--Hair left on shower walls! I swear my wife sheds worse than my dog.
--standing in lines.
--people who bring babies to movies
--walking into spider webs
--dried chunks of toothpaste in the sink
--people who pee all over the place in public restrooms. You are an animal and deserve death by burning at the stake.
-- when co-workers come to work sick, and cough all over everyone.
--people who write things on my jeep when it's dirty.
--when woman use PMS as an excuse to be bitchy
--when people borrow something and bring it back in worse condition and or broken. (My father in Law)
--when people say "workin hard or hardly workin?"
-- when you say "hi" to someone and they don't say anything back.
-- when people ignore the "jeep wave" and don't wave back

i have a lot more but that's a good start.
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No, actually I don't. I will pass them on the right, but I don't get uptight about it.

and if the right lane is occupied?
I'm not talking drastic manuevers here, just make a reasonable effort to allow them by.

I don't understand your response. Does it bother you if my dog poops in your yard, and I pick it up?

that is a yes. This is partly because many people (not implying you) can't be bothered to pick it up if they are not being watched. Having the dog dump in the owners yard solves the problem.
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When your friends borrow tools and never bring them back, or say that it was theirs and they let you use it a while ago.
When you see someone pay for $100 dollars in junk food at the gas station with food stamps.
When your work hires someone as your boss that is worthless because they are buddies, even if they have no idea what you do.
When people use all the toilet paper and dont replace it, or leave a roll next to the toilet instead of taking 5 seconds put it where it belongs.
When people dump tons of money into their rigs and take them out on big events to cruise the fire roads.
-People that complain about me not giving back the Jeep wave...had to throw that one in for Kellerexpress..I've gotten used to so many people not giving it back that I've stopped doing it all together.
-Jeep wave threads on Jeeps specific forums
-People that actually get butt hurt over the Jeep not a Jeep or Toyota not a Toyota debate
-Fords in general...not really but sort of
-Utah drivers, I'm not a Utah driver...sure I was born in Utah but I learned to drive in Oregon, in the fifteen years that I've had a license only 5(1.5 of those spent deployed) of those were in Utah so no I'm not a Utah driver
-Drivers of any place I currently am because I'm an Oregon driver and if I'm not in Oregon the drivers must be terrible and I can call them out
-Tie down straps, if you use my tie down straps roll them up. I hate almost nothing more than a tangled mess of straps.
-When I'm in charge of a shift of Airmen at work and the Airmen know more info about what's going on then I do, yeah my supervision doesn't like telling me stuff for some reason
-Korean drivers...this one I actually mean, just try riding in a cab in Korea for a half hour and see how many times you fear for your life
-And finally Air Force chow hall food, six months at a time everytime I deploy I have to deal with crap food.
what about smoke stacks on pickup trucks?.....lame

sagging pants. like seriously how is it that people (mostly teens-early 20s) don't think it is just super lame?

and my favorite peeve is diesel truck owners that think their truck is fast, it may be fast for what it is, but in the grand scheme of acceleration a 1,000hp diesel gets down the quarter about as quick as a better suited vehicle with half the HP.
seriously, give me a car with the same size engine, and the same psi of boost it'd stomp your 12.5 second stroker with $65,000 into it. for 1/4 the price

i didn't think that my 10-flat camaro could tow better than a diesel, diesel guys don't think your towing vehicle is a good choice as a too to go fast
Men that still think Camaro's are cool ;)

+100. Since when is dumping trash not considered littering just because it was smoldering a minute ago?

What is the "Jeep Wave"? Among many 4WD vehicles, I've owned two different Jeeps (CJs). Is there some kind of brotherhood I wasn't aware of?

Well there is this thing with early Jeep owners that if you are in a Jeep you give any other jeeps on the road a hey I see you and you are driving a jeep like me wave. This started to die out with the YJ, a little more so with the TJ and now even more so with the JK. The general thought is that the early Jeep owners feel we aren't driving "Real" Jeeps because we have modern tech like power windows, AC and the like. I think it is jealousy, I know my Jeep is way more capable than most CJ's driving down the road and I think they know that. But I also don't think I'm better than them.

If you go onto any of the Jeep specific forums you can find an abundance of "Jeep Wave" threads and they just get old.