Pet peeve of mine...yours?

You stop that Kurt...and when were you in Detroit, a few weeks back...thought you were in Mexico or was that a lie too.

I was in Detroit earlier this year, toured AEV's production facility and their assembly/part warehouses. Also toured Quality Metalcraft (they make the J8 bodies for Jeep and the bulk of AEV's parts) and we met with the lead designer of Jeep lineup (has some really neat personal projects). Got ear fulls of everything Jeep & Ford :D, I just smiled and nodded (practiced for years with the misses). Sure enough the JK's were on the road in the area being test. The 'few weeks back part' was in regards to one of the gents I was on the trip with (it was the Moab to Newfoundland segment of Expeditions7), Matt was driving a diesel JK test platform for some testing, I'm sure we'll hear more about it on Expedition Portal or Overland Journal ;)

Links with pics (and proof :D)

And if you need pics of Mexico I can oblige. :p
Nah I believe you Kurt. You wouldn't lie about the Rocky Mountains why would you lie to me about this.

I probably should have done a trip report on the E7 Moab to Newfie (Canada) leg including the stop in Detroit, it was super neat and I bet there are a bunch of folks that would love to see Jeep parts being stamped and welded by machines. :D
I probably should have done a trip report on the E7 Moab to Newfie (Canada) leg including the stop in Detroit, it was super neat and I bet there are a bunch of folks that would love to see Jeep parts being stamped and welded by machines. :D

I know I would, even if it was Diesel wrangler that is bound for Europe or maybe the US in 10 years.
My peeve is drivers who don't use turn signals, drivers who wait WAY too long to turn right (seriously, move right, get over and turn already), and i have something for sale. you call me, say you'll be right over, then don't come or call. thank you jacka$$.
Cody is also a peeve of mine...agree with him 100% though that crispy bacon sux:D
8 pumps at the walkers fuel station.
4 gasoline only, 4 gasoline or diesel
4 empty gasoline pumps, 4 people driving gasoline motors "parked" (not even fueling, not in their vehicles) at the gas/diesel pumps.

I know I'm sounding like a complainer, but if you drive a gasoline vehicle please pick the gasoline only pumps first if they are available. :)
^this. It drives me crazy.

They have no idea that only those pumps provide diesel. I had to educate my mom on looking for the green pumps and not using them if another is available. She had no idea.
number one for me is when people smack their lips when they eat. the same sound also occurs when dogs drink water, people chew gum when its silent, when Pugs breathe, old people dentures coming unseated, cats or dogs grooming themselves, when babies break the seal they have on the nipple of a bottle, when dogs chew on rawhides, when people eat any chewy food i can hear it sloshing around in their head...... its everywhere and i can pick any one of these sounds out from across the room in a concert.... needless to say im very annoyed at times....

oh and the next big one is when people think its cute to have the employees at a classier resturants sing happy birthday.... all i want to do is walk over their and say congratulations your one year closer to dying.... enjoy your day ya putz!!!! take that crap to McDonalds~~