Photobucket Officially Sucks

So, to possibly help fill the void that photobucket has created... we've launched (machine, or McHiney, or whatever haha) as an image hosting service for Off-road, 4x4, tech, atv, and other related activities. We'd rather not be a host for your wedding photos and such (unless it's 4x4 related!?)

Let us know what you guys think! The plan is to keep it free with eventual upgrades if we get to a position where it's costing too much to host. Definitely won't do any photobucket shenanigans.

Looks great. I had trouble uploading a 4.89m file, said it was too big. Any chance of an option to automatically resize photos to fit the size requirements?
Looks great. I had trouble uploading a 4.89m file, said it was too big. Any chance of an option to automatically resize photos to fit the size requirements?

That's in the works! The current limit is 5Mb. I suppose I could bump it up for a bit until the auto-resize gets implemented.
It's official. They suck.
I was only at 19% since I removed alot of pics awhile back. They got me.
Oh well, I can WiFi from my camera and upload from the phone.

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