planning noob run part 2

I'll drop him a note on FB but let's wait and see what Stephens email nets too. Justin isn't local so if they have someone else in mind we should take them up on it.
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If you have a problem getting someone for the Tread Lightly part you might wand to try and get Dave Jeppeson out of the BLM SLC office. He has volunteered and is a master trainer.
I have not heard one way or the other from Justin, any word from TL's main office?

The more I think about it, its going to be cold. 3 hours is a long time to stay tuned in during the cold. Perhaps we do another 1 hour intro course with some different material and plan a big TL class in the spring.
The more I think about it, its going to be cold. 3 hours is a long time to stay tuned in during the cold. Perhaps we do another 1 hour intro course with some different material and plan a big TL class in the spring.

Wasn't the plan to do the all non-hands on trainings in the Conf room?
I have not heard one way or the other from Justin, any word from TL's main office?

The more I think about it, its going to be cold. 3 hours is a long time to stay tuned in during the cold. Perhaps we do another 1 hour intro course with some different material and plan a big TL class in the spring.

If you did itinthe spring I could most likely come and do a tread trainer course.
Ah yes, that could work. Do brekkie, carpool down to the classrooms and then come back to the offroad park for lunch and afternoon hands on classes. The classrooms can hold 20-25 people so it might get cozy depending on the turnout. There are bathrooms right next to the classrooms but not much in the way of places for kids to play, or disinterested spouses to escape the cold se we need to plan accordingly.

The classrooms don't have projectors so we still need to arrange that.
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In a room would be nice since I will most likely be in a bikini for my class:eek2:

I kid, I kid, nobody needs to cancel.
Called USA-All yesterday and left a message. Spoke with Monica at TL and she said that she got the e-mail, but hadn't had a chance to talk with anyone about participating yet and to check back next week.
Update from my end:

I've got it on my calender to follow-up with the Treadlightly Trasharoo on Monday, which I will do then. The initial invite to participate was met with enthusiasm on their end. I paid a visit to Vinny @ Teraflex today and hashed out an annual sponsorship check from Teraflex. Vinny will review my previously discussed wish-list of product and bring it with him to the event... Or I can snag it beforehand; doesn't really matter. Vinny is stoked for this opportunity and has our back.

So, that covers food for breakfast and additional snack plus giveaway items.
I think it's about time for me to start a thread in the "upcoming wheeling trips" section. I'm getting my brother to do the banner again.
I think we need a shorter, catchier name than "get to know your 4x4 training day". Ideas? 4x4 college? 4x4 training day? I propose something short and to the point.

I propose "quarterly 4x4 training day"
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Works for me. Were we confirmed at $20 per vehicle? I was for some reason thinking it was $25 and the covered the classroom? Either way we can make it work especially as we have some sponsors helping out. I'll followup with JW this week and confirm our needs at the park.