Pritchett Canyon - Please Read!

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Cody said:
I agree, something has to be done. I agree that winch anchors would be a great thing. I agree that the trail is changing--some of that change is natural and some is not. I think overall, the level of capability of 4x4 vehicles as a whole has increased which puts more and more people on trails like Pritchett and thats why we see increased use. paving the entrance puts even more people on it in rigs that shouldn't be on it.

I'm just being a baby cause I don't want it to change and I know nobody else does either. I just wish there was an alternative. It can't be that hard to patrol--I mean my rig is low budget--I mean cheap ass--and I can drive from the parking lot to the rockpile in under 30 minutes. People need to realize that if you're going to do one of the premier difficult 4x4 trails in the world, you need to either have a vehicle that can do the trail, have a winch---or at the very least a couple vehicles of both classificiations in your group. I'm sure I'm not the only one that wishes there was a way let only propperly equipped groups/rigs on the trail. In my eye, a big sign at the drop off that says

"This is Pritchett Canyon, it is an extreme trail with extreme terrain designed for experienced and well prepaired vehicles. There is no easy way out in any direction--if you can't make it out the other side, then you have to come back up these Ledges of Despair which you won't be able to cause you sucked to bad to make it through the trail in the first place"

would keep me from feeling bad about people who got stuck. And then a couple heavy cables to keep people form making it down into the WSA. I'm sure there is a way to anchor a big ass cable so that it can't be damaged. If they roll into the cables then it will mess up there vehicle and cables have some give--like a safety net!! Anyways...

Not that it matters, but if I lived there I would be more than willing to patrol the trail a couple times a week.


I agree once again...........................and the sign text is classic :D :rofl:


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In fact, name me a weekend and I'll find you 50 bodies to do trail maintenance. I bet RME alone would show up with 35-40 bodies if given a few weeks notice.

Hell, first weekend in June I'll have 50-100 bodies down there that would probably be willing to do some work for a few hours......

How bout this----every saturday find 1 valunteer to hang out by the entrance for a couple hours (during peak entry times) in a BLM/police uniform stopping people and telling htem pritchett has been closed. Then when they freak, hand them a flyer that says if we don't stay on the trail and do our part, this trail really will be closed. .....

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Cody said:
How bout this----every saturday find 1 valunteer to hang out by the entrance for a couple hours (during peak entry times) in a BLM/police uniform stopping people and telling htem pritchett has been closed. Then when they freak, hand them a flyer that says if we don't stay on the trail and do our part, this trail really will be closed. .....


Now i'll do that!!!


I luv Pritchett
Originally posted by Cody:

I agree, something has to be done. I agree that winch anchors would be a great thing. I agree that the trail is changing--some of that change is natural and some is not. I think overall, the level of capability of 4x4 vehicles as a whole has increased which puts more and more people on trails like Pritchett and thats why we see increased use. paving the entrance puts even more people on it in rigs that shouldn't be on it.

I'm just being a baby cause I don't want it to change and I know nobody else does either. I just wish there was an alternative. It can't be that hard to patrol--I mean my rig is low budget--I mean cheap ass--and I can drive from the parking lot to the rockpile in under 30 minutes. People need to realize that if you're going to do one of the premier difficult 4x4 trails in the world, you need to either have a vehicle that can do the trail, have a winch---or at the very least a couple vehicles of both classificiations in your group. I'm sure I'm not the only one that wishes there was a way let only propperly equipped groups/rigs on the trail. In my eye, a big sign at the drop off that says

"This is Pritchett Canyon, it is an extreme trail with extreme terrain designed for experienced and well prepaired vehicles. There is no easy way out in any direction--if you can't make it out the other side, then you have to come back up these Ledges of Despair which you won't be able to cause you sucked to bad to make it through the trail in the first place"

would keep me from feeling bad about people who got stuck. And then a couple heavy cables to keep people form making it down into the WSA. I'm sure there is a way to anchor a big ass cable so that it can't be damaged. If they roll into the cables then it will mess up there vehicle and cables have some give--like a safety net!! Anyways...

Not that it matters, but if I lived there I would be more than willing to patrol the trail a couple times a week.

Believe me, if I thought that a sign and a cable would solve all the problems, I would fight like mad to make it happen. But the fact is, the County and the BLM want the obstacle smoothed over, and after analysing all the facts, I reluctantly agree that it is the best option. Signs are only marginally effective. A case in point is Billings Canyon in Grand Junction. I have had the pleasure of running this awesome trail, and there are signs all along the way, and they are routinely ignored. (Check out the current thread over on the Colorado4x4 Forum.) Nonetheless, MFFW is working with the BLM to install more signs, as well as winch anchor points.

The argument of increased traffic is also questionable. Yes, making the first obstacle easier will allow more people in, but I doubt that will ever be as heavy as EJS week, regardless of what is done to the ledge. During normal weekends, I doubt that increased traffic will be a big problem.

Like it or not, we are going to have to work harder than ever in order to keep Pritchett Canyon as the world-class trail that it is. Sometimes unpopular decisions will have to be made for the overall good of the trail. I think that Moab-Friends-for-Wheelin' is up to the challenge, and I for one really appreciate the support and enthusiasm we get here on RME.

I'd really like to meet some of you guys one of these days. Maybe we can put together a MFFW / RR4W / RME Pritchett run one of these days!


James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
drtsqrl said:
Believe me, if I thought that a sign and a cable would solve all the problems, I would fight like mad to make it happen. But the fact is, the County and the BLM want the obstacle smoothed over, and after analysing all the facts, I reluctantly agree that it is the best option. Signs are only marginally effective. A case in point is Billings Canyon in Grand Junction. I have had the pleasure of running this awesome trail, and there are signs all along the way, and they are routinely ignored. (Check out the current thread over on the Colorado4x4 Forum.) Nonetheless, MFFW is working with the BLM to install more signs, as well as winch anchor points.

The argument of increased traffic is also questionable. Yes, making the first obstacle easier will allow more people in, but I doubt that will ever be as heavy as EJS week, regardless of what is done to the ledge. During normal weekends, I doubt that increased traffic will be a big problem.

Like it or not, we are going to have to work harder than ever in order to keep Pritchett Canyon as the world-class trail that it is. Sometimes unpopular decisions will have to be made for the overall good of the trail. I think that Moab-Friends-for-Wheelin' is up to the challenge, and I for one really appreciate the support and enthusiasm we get here on RME.

I'd really like to meet some of you guys one of these days. Maybe we can put together a MFFW / RR4W / RME Pritchett run one of these days!


Jeff, out of curiousity, when is this going to take place? has it been detailed out as to what will be done?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
drtsqrl said:
................I'd really like to meet some of you guys one of these days. Maybe we can put together a MFFW / RR4W / RME Pritchett run one of these days!


If my rig is done, I'm in!......(even if not, I'll be somebody's trail b!tch)


I luv Pritchett
Originall posted by James K:
Jeff, out of curiousity, when is this going to take place? has it been detailed out as to what will be done?

It will most likely happen sometime in June, although we haven't seen an official schedule yet. We've met a couple of times with the County Road Department, and they aren't even sure exactly what they will do untill they get there with their equipment. Appartently, a lot depends on the hardness of the rock layers. We have asked them to leave it at least somewhat challenging if possible. But then again, they don't want to come back a re-do it again in another year or two. My expectation is it will end up as a total non-obstacle.



drtsqrl said:
My expectation is it will end up as a total non-obstacle.


hehe....then I can take my mall crawler down in it. I remember how easy that trail was when I first ran it. Now, after seeing all the pics of it, it's definately changed a lot. Everything is dug out beyond belief. I was looking through my parents pictures from the early 80's as well, and they have a picture of Rock Pile being driven by a stock Toyota pickup. Guess what? Rock pile was about 2 feet tall back then. This trail is definately changed from what it use to be.


evanston wy
EZRhino said:
I hate to hear that a bypass may be made at Rocker Knocker or Rock Pile. I'd rather see some drilled-in reinforced pipe and cable strung along, (guardrail style) to keep people "in bounds". Along with some signage "if you can't make it, winch or turn back".

Some permanent winch points (6" concrete filled pipe in the ground) would be nice.

I hate that we are even discussing this. Growing pains, I guess.


I was in pritchet yesterday and their is a bypass at rockernocker and at rockpile are these legal or were these made recently and should'nt be driven?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
84toy said:
I was in pritchet yesterday and their is a bypass at rockernocker and at rockpile are these legal or were these made recently and should'nt be driven?

They've been there at least a couple of years.......I'd drive rockerknocker and rockpile, though. That's why you want to run Pritchett. :D :D


I luv Pritchett
Originally posted by 84toy:
I was in pritchet yesterday and their is a bypass at rockernocker and at rockpile are these legal or were these made recently and should'nt be driven?

The BLM is aware of both of these bypasses, and is currently "tolerating" them. The RockerKnocker bypass is possibly (probably, actually) within the WSA boundary, and I would recommend NOT using it. We are working with the BLM on resolving this issue.

The RockPile bypass is definately not inside the WSA, and BLM seems okay with using it. My opinion is that since someone decided to remove all the rocks on RockPile a few years ago, it is unclimbable by all except the best of the buggies or super long wheelbase rigs. The bypass is currently still a challenging obstacle (at least it was last time I was there during EJS). As long as it is not in the WSA and BLM is okay with it, I will use the bypass (unless someone wants to help me replace all the rocks that used to be on the RockPile).
