Pritchett Canyon


Registered User

The guy in the jeep that was broken was trying to get off the obstacle and to the side of the trail to fix the jeep. Walker was too impatient and chose to go around him.


Made a Fortune

Im sure most of his fortune was made during the truck racing days, but Im sure he doesnt do bad on his shocks and wheels.

Hes brought some attention to the sport from his former notoriety, hopefully it has been good attention and not that of a rouge wheeler. I havent decided if attention to the sport is a good thing or not, in some ways the popularity of rockcrawling brings reason for recreation areas such as moab, but the crowding and unresponcible wheelers that come with the popularity can create more trail impact.


El Destructo!
What can be done to inform the public about what are and are not acceptable routes/bypasses on any individual trail? I have not run PC in a number of years and am addmittedly ignorant of legal vs. non legal bypasses when on many trails, not just those in Moab, but any new or unfamiliar trail. Trail guides are helpful but from my experience not comprehensive enough to includes this type of info. I know a local club is usually the best scource and the BLM can give excellent info when they are in the mood. So I guess my real ? is....

How do we make trail information easily obtainable (almost impossible to ignore) for even the least educated or informed trail users?


What can be done to inform the public about what are and are not acceptable routes/bypasses on any individual trail? I have not run PC in a number of years and am addmittedly ignorant of legal vs. non legal bypasses when on many trails, not just those in Moab, but any new or unfamiliar trail. Trail guides are helpful but from my experience not comprehensive enough to includes this type of info. I know a local club is usually the best scource and the BLM can give excellent info when they are in the mood. So I guess my real ? is....

How do we make trail information easily obtainable (almost impossible to ignore) for even the least educated or informed trail users?

excellent question....time to brain storm.


Active Member
What can be done to inform the public about what are and are not acceptable routes/bypasses on any individual trail? I have not run PC in a number of years and am addmittedly ignorant of legal vs. non legal bypasses when on many trails, not just those in Moab, but any new or unfamiliar trail. Trail guides are helpful but from my experience not comprehensive enough to includes this type of info. I know a local club is usually the best scource and the BLM can give excellent info when they are in the mood. So I guess my real ? is....

How do we make trail information easily obtainable (almost impossible to ignore) for even the least educated or informed trail users?

This is a good point. As a general rule, Don't make new tracks. The problem is the people that don't care. Once there are tracks, how are you supposed to know it is illegal? Especially in this case where in a matter of hours, not even days, it looks like an established route. You shouldn't have to pre-determine the illegal routes they are clearly marked by the lack of a trail. I think the best thing you can do, unfortunately, is damage control asap once there has been damage done. Organize quick and get out with signs and cables.


El Destructo!
I have a rig capable of the hardest lines but I would be unaware that a specific bypass was illegal if it already had tracks. Who is the final word on what routes are and are not acceptable? I completely understand that taking a bypass defeats the purpose of running a trail like pritchett. Once there are tracks how is someone who is running an unfamiliar trail supposed to know that some side route is not to be used when it has already been traveled? I think many need to also be informed about what constitutes on and off trail.


I luv Pritchett
I have a rig capable of the hardest lines but I would be unaware that a specific bypass was illegal if it already had tracks. Who is the final word on what routes are and are not acceptable? I completely understand that taking a bypass defeats the purpose of running a trail like pritchett. Once there are tracks how is someone who is running an unfamiliar trail supposed to know that some side route is not to be used when it has already been traveled? I think many need to also be informed about what constitutes on and off trail.

This is a good observation, and one that has no easy answers. In the case of Pritchett, we try to block new and illegal bypasses as soon as we can, but we obviously can't be up there every day, and sometimes that is all it takes for a new bypass to become established. Thankfully, most people will not make a new bypass where there are no previous tracks, but the ones that do will probably continue that kind of behavoir regardless of our best efforts. What we need to try and do is educate the people that will use a newly created bypass if there are only a few tracks present. Somehow we need to make people understand that just because there are a few errant tracks, if it "doesn't look like it is a legitimate route, then stay off it!". We talk to people, we install signs, we preach the message the best we know how, but the message is not getting through to enough people. Short of fencing off every potential bypass route before it has a chance to be used, I can't think of anything else to try. And besides, fencing and posting everything is just as ugly as illegal bypasses in my opinion, as well as obviously not being a practical solution. Until we can come up with something more effective, we will just continue to keep on top of things the best we can. We'll also probably post more "reminder" signs, and hope that more people get the message.


Dirt Hedz Offroad Club
So now that a couple of weeks have gone by has anyone heard from Mr Evans or his company about what they intend to do to rectify the damage to PC and the lifestyle we all love? Until I hear something concrete I guarentee I won't be advocating anyone to do business with WER or Goodyear.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Juding from his response, and the lack of aggressiveness from the other end of the phone, the best anyone will probably see out of Mr Evans is that pathetic statement claiming he didn't remember much from that day.. bla bla.. looked like someone had driven it before.

Sorry Walker, we have a tight timeline of witnesses to the condition of the trail, photo evidence that you were there, leading your homies up an illegal bypass.. Thank you sir! NOT.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
So now that a couple of weeks have gone by has anyone heard from Mr Evans or his company about what they intend to do to rectify the damage to PC and the lifestyle we all love? Until I hear something concrete I guarentee I won't be advocating anyone to do business with WER or Goodyear.

Good god man, could you be more melodramatic? This is like watching Oprah:rolleyes:


New Member
It's great to see the community getting upset about this. It's way too common to blame the enviros for trail closures while turning a blind eye toward this kind of nonsense.