Toyota Project runner up

i think i wanna try to buy it back if its not to expensive that way i can take all the stuff thats still good off and part it out. like i would love to have my stereo system back, cb, both bumpers if possible, motor trans t-case 5:29 thirds things like that....
One thing ya might want to get your neck and back checked out. I have been in a couple bad wrecks, and the injuries showed up later.
WOW, that's some crazy shiz. Glad you came out as well as you did. x3 on the medical check up and good luck with the settlement.
to buy back or not to buy back that is the question. anyone interested in some parts? motor trans, and t case are all fine, truck was still running when everything stopped.
are the axles toast? If they are, I don't think it'd be worth buying back. Did you have 5.29s in it?
yes on 5:29 gears, front axle seems to be fine :)

if anyone happens to have any pics of this truck for some reason i need them to show insurance what it used to looks like. they are considering it a "restored custom vehicle".
I wouldn't even bother buying it back... Then you have the same hassles/issues you had with the XJ. Not worth it IMO
I wouldn't even bother buying it back... Then you have the same hassles/issues you had with the XJ. Not worth it IMO
see with the xj i wanted to sell every little peice. mainly i just want: front axle, third members, rear shackles, bumpers, stereo system, cb, inverter, and the rest i can take to the scrap yard.:greg:
Ya I wouldn't even bother. That axle might be bent, and you wouldnt even know until you pulled it.
even if it is bent it still has a good third member, and all my electronics, my coworker wants parts from it too like the turn signal lenses, some interior parts, and usually by backs are pretty cheap.
I'm glad you came out of it ok! My word, that was a mean accident, stupid girl. And yeah, I'd be interested in the 5.29's and perhaps the bumper. Is the driver fender ok or messed up?