Quarterly Training Day - July 19-20 Teachers/Volunteers needed

BAD NEWS! Yesterday at church, I found out that I have a conflict and will not be able to make it on Friday. :(. I am sorry that I need to cancel on you; please accept my apology, Steve.
No problem. Thanks for being willing in the first place. I can fill in for you.

Anyone else want to volunteer to teach anything?
Steve, I wish I could help. I can't think of anything relevant to wheeling that I know enough about to present myself as any kind of authority though.
ah, that guy who supposedly couldn't make it because he'd still be in Montanna. ;)

I get it, we're not cool enough for Expo Man. Thanks for keeping me in the loop Rodger.
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I never got the full story. What does D.A.V.e stand for? I remember it's an anachronism but I never heard what it stood for.
I moved my discussion over here so I didn't sabotage sabatoa's build thread.

It was either have the QTD this weekend, or not have it at all this summer. I will admit that I'm not a perfect planner, and perhaps it was shoddy planning, but there's almost always seems to be a conflict when we schedule that event. On the bright side, now people have 3 great options of what to do this weekend.

John Wiliams is a stud, he's been awesome to work with.