Rattlesnake/Constrictor... Lets make plans...

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Sandy, Ut
Hearing stuff like this just disgusts me... If I ever see someone NOT using a tree saver.... so help me...

A writeup from a fellow (very experienced, passionate, and vocal) wheeler...

I am embarrassed to be associated with the people that use RS and
Constrictor on a regular basis. It absolutely baffles me that someone
would think that it is okay to take a crap right in the middle of the
trail and not even make an attempt to cover it or hide the toilet paper.
The amount of trash in RS is also appalling. From my understanding the
BLM was very helpful in establishing these trails as permanent and
legal. How does anyone think it is okay to repay that assistance with
abuse? Where is the awareness and respect? Do people really think they
trails will stay open, or the BLM will help in the future with this type
of attitude?

Constrictor was even worse. We got to the bottom of Constrictor just
before dark. I fooled around a little on that first section then we all
walked the trail to evaluate it. As usual the comparisons to the
Hellodorados came up. Will contends (Darren and I agree) that lower
helldorado is still the best trail around due to its obstacle density.
The waterfall, named Eagle's Nest, is a bit more intimidating than Upper
I believe because of the approach. The beauty of the Eagle's Nest is
all the morons that have DESTROYED the trees to get up it. At least 6
trees are dead or destroyed due to winch cables and one pine will be
dead shortly after some idiot sawed 2/3's of the way through it with his
winch cable. 50+ years of growth killed for 3 minutes of recreation.
It's a joke. If I were associated with the creation of that trail I
would be ashamed and embarrassed. Hell, I am embarrassed and I'll I've
done is walk the thing.

Even today, 2 days later, I'm still dejected and discourage about the
'hobby' that requires me to be associated, by default, with assholes
that behave like that. I've even heard rumors (I'm sure Kurt you can
confirm) that the moniker "Eagle's Nest" has to do with the tree that
used to be in Constrictor that was removed. I can't believe that anyone,
even the biggest redneck, wife beating, moron, "getting it" Jeep,
Toyota, Samurai or buggy driver would destroy an eagle's nest. Or any
nest for that matter. If I were the BLM I would close the trail today
and fine the hell out of anybody who attempted to drive on it. It's
ridiculous. And quite frankly unacceptable. Nice to see that the first
hardcore trails with excellent access to SLC have been completely
ruined. What a joke.

Perhaps I've completely lost sense of right and wrong but as I see it
Constrictor is wonderful idea gone completely wrong. Someone, perhaps
me, needs to find a way to construct a permanent winching point atop the
waterfall, similar to Upper, so this trail can remain open. I'm glad I
still have my isolated, remote spots where I can go and not have to deal
with the dregs of society.

On a good note, spending time in the desert with good friends can
usually mitigate any frustration.

:( :( :(


Sandy, Ut
So when is a good date for a cleanup?

Every week without fail I read trip reports from alot of RME'ers and their freinds... lets see those same people out there on a trail cleanup... SOON!

Fact is... if the BLM were to see trees being literally winched out of their roots... we would be doomed... Constrictor is an excellent trail... lets not lose it!

PS... if you have seen or know of someone that DOESN'T use a tree-saver... PM me, I'll have a lovely note to send them... :mad2:

And to the people that **** in the middle of a trail (99% sure its not a RME'er)... I would hate to see what your house looks like... TRASH :rolleyes:


something to do...
Wow!!! looks like we have some work to do...During the week sometime in July, I'm working all the weekends ;)
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
sunday, monday, thursdays are good for me. --with the exception of the next 2 sunday/monday's.



formerly "rckcrlr"
Tell me when!!!!
Last time we were out there, it was getting bad....We picked up some....but it needs a full out attack.

Sundays are always good.

Cody, I am off most Thursdays too, lets do it!


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
July 24th is the first Saturday I have open, but I'm off every Wednesday and should be able to bring a couple of rug-rats to help. Let me know when. I may be able to steal some more trash bags.



when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
I guess there is not much use in talking about the obvious, but if we can do something to correct a bad situation, I'm in. Just post.

Last year we had a great turn out and I felt like all those who were there took a lot of pride in the trails, (james, shawn, kurt, greg, hickey, sukaB, etc)

Lets keep these trails open.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
now I'm not saying that what has been said is not true but, I have heard that there is trash all over and gone out there and only picked up 3 or 4 cans/bottles. :-\

The weekend after the 4th is the only weekend I have free until august. It is the 10th and 11th of July.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I don't know what big tree had a nest in it as the only tree on constrictor (save the 'modified' one mid trail) that is in harms way is the winch tree which is in bad shape. Now rattlesnake is a joke, I still can't believe those trees that used to be in the middle of the trail are gone.

I'm partly guilty of trail abuse, while I always pack out more garbage than I brought it (picked up lots of broken blinker stuff, some cans, wrappers, jerky bag, etc last time) I did spill some steering flluid on top of the waterfull and I had nothing to clean it up. I covered it with some dirt as best I could but I know I should have done more.

At any rate, maybe a week from this thursday would work--what is that the 15th? I have a class at 6 but if the late afternoon is the only time that works then I can probably miss it. I think a winch point would be something worth looking into. Is there anything up there solid enough to anchor to? A bypass at the beginning of the trail has formed and I think we ought to find a way to block that off--that should keep the riff-raff off the trail a little bit.



Registered User
Would love to help...weekends are bad for me, but I would be willing to go on a weekday after I got off work at 4:30pm


Well-Known Member
damn, at this rate those trails are gonna be closed before I can even get to them :-\

name a date, I will be glad to help out...weekends are best for me.


baaaaaaaaaad to the bone
Supporting Member
I'm in, weekends are usually best for me, but If I have enough notice, I could make it out on a weekday.

I agree that people who crap outdoors (anywhere) but don't bury it are real dumbshits. how difficult is it to carry a small trowel for digging a cathole??


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I'm always avaialble for a clean-up, let's do it! I like the idea of a permanant winch mount or even a tree strap that stays on the tree!

Let's plan a weekend when we can address these problems!


Registered User
Why don't we??????

Get some kind of permanent anchor that is not a tree?????? I'm sure with all the people who are on this board we can devise a plan. As for the @ss hole who sh#t on the road THAT'S JUST NO CLASs AT ALL. Also remember that Four Wheelers are not the only people who use this area. Utah IS Full of White Trash, Rednecks, Hicks, Illegal Aliens, who are not edumacated, and could care less if our trails stay open. Time to open a 55 gal. drum of WHUP@SS. I'm Game, Kurt why don't you pick the date and time??? Blaze


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
cruiseroutfit said:
I've even heard rumors (I'm sure Kurt you can
confirm) that the moniker "Eagle's Nest" has to do with the tree that
used to be in Constrictor that was removed. I can't believe that anyone,
even the biggest redneck, wife beating, moron, "getting it" Jeep,
Toyota, Samurai or buggy driver would destroy an eagle's nest. Or any
nest for that matter.

:( :( :(

Hold the Fawkin phone!
The was no tree in the middle of Constrictor that had an "Eagles Nest" in it that was removed! What the Fawkin kind of POS rumor is that! Before someone starts spilling BS on the web, one should get his facts straight!

Kurt, looks like you know the person that wrote this post and I sure you have set him straight about why we named it the Eagles Nest.

Man this is all we need, some moron starting stupid rumors with out and ground to stand on. You my friend are our sports worst enemy.


I'm ALWAYS game to keep these trails OPEN and CLEAN.

Pick the date.


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Shawn said:
Hold the Fawkin phone!
The was no tree in the middle of Constrictor that had an "Eagles Nest" in it that was removed! What the Fawkin kind of POS rumor is that! Before someone starts spilling BS on the web, one should get his facts straight!

Kurt, looks like you know the person that wrote this post and I sure you have set him straight about why we named it the Eagles Nest.

Man this is all we need, some moron starting stupid rumors with out and ground to stand on. You my friend are our sports worst enemy.


I'm ALWAYS game to keep these trails OPEN and CLEAN.

Pick the date.

My thought's exactly. Well said! I do condem the A-holes who leave trash and ruin the trails for everyone. lets set a date, I'm in.
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