It sounds like Rukka got way more than they paid for, both good and bad. At first, good because BFE kept advertising them when they didn't pay. Then later, bad because they couldn't man up and take care of their responsibilities. We have all had some hard financial situation come up. Some of us dealt with it like a grown up and some didn't.
I think the best course of action for both parties would be for rukkastixx and BFE to pro-rate the agreement and then have rukkastixx cut BFE a check for the pro-rated amount. They can part their ways BFE can delete the negative posts. Rukkastixx can make an effort to gain some trust back. I think it is great that they decided to put advertising money toward a sport we all love. Rukkastixx could have taken out an ad in a non-related sport. They had good intentions, but made poor choices when their intentions didn't turn into money in the bank. I didn't think they tasted all that bad(but I don't drink energy drinks so maybe they did). I would think either they make good on the contract or just write off the entire 4x4 community as a customer base and pursue other markets (from what the lawyer stated, that sounds like exactly what they will do).
The way Olaf handled the situation wouldn't scare me away from doing business with him.......unless I wasn't planning on paying