I move that BroncoMama is dubbed, the New 'Queen of Chit'...
BTW, there's two females on that list.. Tara, and 3rd from the bottom..
If you had a woman that would "whip" you, you'd stay inside all day too. Take it from the ones who know a woman's charms, Keeeeeeel.
While it's true that I may wear girly pants.....am I really a powder puff?how have I dropped behind? I'm way more awesome than the administrator that shall not be slandered, freakin braden, and freakin powder puff mcgirly pants.
What if it's more the fact that I have boobs and you don't? Or that I have a Miss Pinkie and you don't?
I'm just throwing this out Cody, what if the voting isn't being based on true awesomeness? What if it's more the fact that I have boobs and you don't? Or that I have a Miss Pinkie and you don't? There could be a whole bushel of reasons why I'm ahead of you and most of them could have nothing to do with my awesomeness.
I have a girlfriend asshat
So hey, Vonski....remember that conversation you and I had about the fact that you haven't touched any girls recently? I think you might want to look into remedying that.Miss Pinkie? Oh... that.
I love the honesty! I must admit, that's probably the number one reason I have as many votes as I do. I highly doubt that many people really want to meet my goofy self.I voted for BroncoMama even though I am pretty sure I've met her... well kinda. I've met everyone else, but don't feel bad because I didn't vote for you. It's mostly just the boobs thing.
I voted for BroncoMama even though I am pretty sure I've met her... well kinda. I've met everyone else, but don't feel bad because I didn't vote for you. It's mostly just the boobs thing.
I highly doubt that many people really want to meet my goofy self.
Canyon with Kurt and the dude with the massive melon...
That was the year of the mud.
It was really muddy that year wasn't it? I just remember you coming to a complete stop in the middle of a ginormous puddle and then hitting the gas. Your flavor of that week walked away from that experience quite dirty!
Hey, that was my only girlfriend ever. We were together for almost a year.
I think it's funny that on maybe 3 out of 50 trips in the last 2 years I've brought one of 3 different girls that I had been seeing at the time and now have this "flavor of the week" stigma to deal with.
it's more of a "Cody quality" shall we say?
Cody, are you ok? I've noticed a... well, noticeable shift away from your former swaggering sarcasm and the butter-knife spreading of your acidic wit.