I took it wheelin' this weekend up at the Naches with a group of nut jobs from the Sunset Four Runners Club. I was rather pleased at how well it did. I took several really hard lines (buggy type)..
One was a very deep crack with a nice steep exit at the end. My first time through, my back end wasn't far enough left and when my front right tire lifted I just knew my back left would fall in the crack in and over I woudl go. So I backed out and squared up a lot better and had no problems at all crawling it.
Another really hard line had a double waterfall on it in a very steep incline (kinda like rocker knocker would be if you tried at it straight on). The first time I couldn't get my right rear up the shelf (and my oil pressure kept dropping to zero? WTF?? but anyway..), so I backed down and just as people were disperssing (thinking I had gave up), I switched directions at more of an angle and bumped it right up in one fluid motion.
The rest of the lines were all from very mild (31's an no locker needed type stuff), becuase I wanted to get a feel for the new suspension - was it going to have a lot of body roll? was it going to unload? Etc.... I found no to all accounts - very stable. No more torque roll when my rear right is under a shelf, either! Definate plus there
...Oh, and yes, they are nuts.... We're all sitting around the fire last night when I see a log being drug behind one of the Jeeps with a chain. Then I hear them yell 'log rides!'. Let the redneck games begin...
The trick here is to stay on the log the longest on the gravel road as the Jeep picks up speed. One guy ate it bad... Looked like he got in a fight with a 300# pro boxer. His face was very swollen, knees ripped up and could barely walk. Another time there were probalby 4 or 5 people on the log at once and all fell off together. Ok, let's get back on! So they all took off running to jump on it and the Jeep stopped 'unkowingly'... One guy 'rearended' the Jeep head first and another guy slammed into a parked car, football tackle style. He had to walk that one off!
I'll get some pics up when I can...