Safety's a thing of the past? Did you guys see this yesterday?

I think its good to have stay, lots of people wouldn't know their tie-rod-ends or balljoints or u-joints or brake pads/rotors etc are about to fail because lots of people don't have the "feel" for that stuff. I also don't feel that the argument "if they want to have that stuff checked they can go to a mechanic" is a good or valid argument because I think a large number of people, maybe even a majority, would not ever go into a mechanic unless like said before, the equipment fails. I also fear that if people don't have someone inspecting their vehicle with the possibility of a safety-failure, then they would be heavily inclined to "jimmy rig" parts, unsafely and as inexpensive as possible to just get by.

I think safety inspections are a major piece of preventative maintenance for vehicles that make it required. But don't get me wrong I'd be all for getting rid of mudflap/flare laws.
my girlfriend moved to slc from logan about 7 months ago, i was looking at her invoice from jiffylube for inspection. they passed her brakes, which are freaking horrible! but failed her on her windshield wipers. after charging her $20 for wipers and almost $70 to install them(one hour min shop rate) they got her pretty good... but, the thing that really boils my blood, is the fact they actually passed her brakes! only thing i can figure is that they didnt want to do a brake job but wnated to make some extra $$ by failing her so the easy solution was wipers.. next time im in logan im going to give them a word or two... its people like that that give mechanics a bad name
my girlfriend moved to slc from logan about 7 months ago, i was looking at her invoice from jiffylube for inspection. they passed her brakes, which are freaking horrible! but failed her on her windshield wipers. after charging her $20 for wipers and almost $70 to install them(one hour min shop rate) they got her pretty good... but, the thing that really boils my blood, is the fact they actually passed her brakes! only thing i can figure is that they didnt want to do a brake job but wnated to make some extra $$ by failing her so the easy solution was wipers.. next time im in logan im going to give them a word or two... its people like that that give mechanics a bad name

wow that is shitty. I have found in Logan never go to anything ending in lube for anything.
I always go to the old school scary looking garages to get my inspection done. They will be down to earth with you and are not looking to screw you over in anyway, just do there job.

But I do say it would be nice to get rid of the inspection, as long as they don't bring emissions to Logan....
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It's a repost? So what, deal with it, this is the kind of stuff that's fun to bi#$* about, i mean talk about.
I say get rid of the inspections. Just a way for the state to charge you, tax you, control you, etc. I know a couple people that had to make their jeeps into ATVs because they no longer could register them. These jeeps would be street legal in 48 other states but oh no, not in UTAH. I mean cmon.
I know a couple people that had to make their jeeps into ATVs because they no longer could register them. These jeeps would be street legal in 48 other states but oh no, not in UTAH. I mean cmon.

Yeah, screw Utah :cody: I've gone 60 on a dirt road and it felt safe, surely my jeep should be street legal ;)
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Yeah, screw Utah :cody: I've gone 60 on a dirt road and it felt safe, surely my jeep should be street legal ;)

It is in Colorado. But wouldn't you have the common sense to not fly it across i70 or do you need the gov to tell you that? :p :D
When i lived in California, they have no safety coworker didnt have a front windshild, he would always tell us at work how he had to ditch another cop on the way to work to prevent from getting a fixit ticket. he made it almost a year befor getting busted. the ticket then added an extra 100 bones to the cost of the repair.
Well pros and cons would i like to see it gone so i could tag my trailer queen .......... for sure BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT then there is the guy that NEVER looks at his vehical in anyway for maintainance and you hear about him on the news when his brakes failed or his front end parts failed and he killed that man his wife and 4 kids .......... i did saftey inspections years ago i do agree that they have gotten completely NUTS about what they want to fail you for but as my boss use to say ......... if you want to drive your rig with no brakes off a cliff and kill your self that is your problem but when you drive down the hiway with no brakes and kill a man his wife and 4 kids that becomes my problem .............. just my 2 cents here
I talked to my mechanic about it a few days ago, and he says that the safety laws help keep utah insurance rates down because our vehicles are "in better repair and safer" than most other states. I thought it was an interesting perspective.
Something it seems a lot of guys are over looking, this will get rid of the safety inspection, not the safety laws. So "tagging your trailer queen" still will not be legal.
While it wouldn't be legal on the road, it would be fine for offroad. Idaho is different but buggies and truggies don't qualify for ohv, so guys have to go the plate route. I think plating an offroad only rig would save the hassle of swapping back from ohv when the time comes.
While it wouldn't be legal on the road, it would be fine for offroad. Idaho is different but buggies and truggies don't qualify for ohv, so guys have to go the plate route. I think plating an offroad only rig would save the hassle of swapping back from ohv when the time comes.

All it would do is you would get to pay more. Registering an OHV is something like $10, registering a plated vehicle (as we all know) is $100+. Since Utah doesn't have the problem of not being able to register as OHVs, there's no benefit to keeping them plated.
Hmm, wonder where he got those "facts"?

I read this
It's possible to cut the cost of auto insurance quotes with vehicle inspections, sometimes by extremely significant amounts.


It says inspections can help.. but it seemed to be pointing more towards individual private inspections not state.. but I think think the principle may be the same..
I will call my Bear river agent in the morning!- I will gladly pay a few bucks for an inspection if it saves me much more all year!!
Having lived in California, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Utah over the years, I don't feel that cars on the road were any more or less safe in one state versus another. (I am a mechanic too) California and Utah have the most riduculus motor vehicles laws of the states I have lived in.
I say goodbye to Utahs safety inspection and tack the extra couple of "state" bucks to registration and be done with it. 2 cents worth that is only worth about half of that...

Having said that.....I doubt the program will go away and will be pleasantly surprised if it does.....
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Thats great! Sounds typical. Seems like bureaucrats hate the facts..... Unless they can skew the data into some statistic that makes them look good.