Safety's a thing of the past? Did you guys see this yesterday?

I'm all for the inspections! Even though I just got a no mud flap ticket... I still think we should have inspections! Just maybe not as strict on a few things...
I loved living in Colorado because i could remove my doors on the YJ, with my tires sticking .05 inches out from the flares and the cops wouldn't give it a second look. But here in Utah, ur jess a Kriminal.
Utah is what you call a nanny-state, they like ordering people around like little kids, especially if they can make a few bucks for themselves, and use the excuse of "safety". How nice it must be to live in a state without the DMV breathing down your neck with every excuse they can think of.

Ain't that the truth. All that talk about smaller government from our elected officials and they still feel the need to dictate daily life. Pretty ironic.
Until there are a LARGE number of people communicating to their legislators about this bill (or any bill or potential bill), nothing will change. With the kind of lobbying mentioned above, it will take an overwhelming mail campaign to overturn this (if that can do it).
I find it ironic that Utah votes ultra-conservative and yet Comparing Utah to Nevada, we are a huge nanny state on what you can do with a vehicle. Another weird one I ran across, when I changed my billing address to Utah my cell phone bill went up 5% due to related taxes and fees. As far as inspection preventing damage, magically, in five years my 40s that don't have mud-flaps or full coverage never threw a rock at somebody's windshield. In 10 years of driving a modified vehicle. It has never been part of an accident. I wish I could say the same thing for my poor camry.

Nevada has it's own power grabs, but you would think that Utah would have less government intervention.

Politics is an interesting animal and you have to be very committed to make a change. Most of us don't have the time to really do what it takes. There are many people who go down to the legislature every year just to advocate the cause of their business and they get paid to do that. That doesn't even count paid lobbyists. I'm not saying that it doesn't help to make an effort, but it helps to know what you may be up against.

For the police watching this thread my vehicle is currently in storage until I have the time and funds to make it legal in Utah, register it and use it...