Snowboard racks--what do you use?

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I'm needing to put ski/snowboard racks on the roof rack... wondering what y'all have used, and what you like/dislike about it?

Reading reviews of the cheap ones, it seems like all have a few that say "broke on the highway scattering my stuff...." I don't want to deal with that. So, in the hopes that actual name-brand stuff is more trustworthy, I'm leaning toward this Rhino Racks one for two reasons: it's less expensive than comparable Thule or Yakima offerings, and I think it's a couple inches wider as well.

Any input would be appreciated!


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I always ran Thule racks. In fact, there is a great chance I have some snowboard rocks and load bars floating around for free if you want them.


Well-Known Member
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I use Thule. I have an old gutter mount system is let go CHEAP that hasn't been used in years if you could use it. But I've been happy with my Thule solutions.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Thule is what I've always used.
Haven't had a freeway yard sale yet.
Pretty sure I rolled my red XJ with a pair of skis on top and miraculously the rack survived.
Those Rhino Racks look nice too.