So do you support Arizona?


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Supporting Member
I agree with AZ for the most part, but I think there needs to be more options to allow people to immigrate legally.

I'd support a work program where they come over on a company or government sponsored work visa after passing a background check, and are required to work for 2 or more years on government projects or something similar. If in two years they keep their nose clean and have passed some minor requirements, then they are granted citizenship. If there are clear, reasonable, and available ways for people to come over then it would make it less of an excuse to be here illegally. Criminals aren't going to even try either way to come legally, so they would be the ones that got their ass hauled back to the tip of the Yucatan.

I believe everyone has a right to better their position in life for themselves and their family. If I was in a shitty spot with no options and the solution was to walk to Idaho where things would be better, but it was illegal, I would start walking right now. You would do the same thing.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I believe everyone has a right to better their position in life for themselves and their family. If I was in a shitty spot with no options and the solution was to walk to Idaho where things would be better, but it was illegal, I would start walking right now. You would do the same thing.

So how do they fix Mexico???


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Supporting Member
Outside of legalizing drugs in America (which would effectively destroy the drug trade in Mexico), you would need to start by cleaning up the government (and police) then investing in infrastructure which will fuel economic growth. Economic growth = more jobs = more competition for skilled labor = increased standard of living = safer country = more tourism = more outside money coming in = even more economic growth = cleaner country = Americans start illegally crossing the border to live there ;)


Limited Supply Of Sanity
Sounds good so why don't they do it instead of coming here.

becuase its such hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard work *whines*. Plus we give everything out for free apparently so wtf wouldn't they come here?! It's just easier. :thumbs:


Active Member
St. George
We as a country have taken the incentive for the Mexicans to stay home and fix their own country. We give them free health care, free food, free housing and then turn around and allow them to have the political power to keep all that stuff.

I say we round every illegal immigrant up and march their sorry buts back to Mexico, can you say "trail of tears", Battan Death March". They are here illegally, they should have no rights to protest and especially no rights to stand on an American flag.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Outside of legalizing drugs in America (which would effectively destroy the drug trade in Mexico), you would need to start by cleaning up the government (and police) then investing in infrastructure which will fuel economic growth. Economic growth = more jobs = more competition for skilled labor = increased standard of living = safer country = more tourism = more outside money coming in = even more economic growth = cleaner country = Americans start illegally crossing the border to live there ;)



We as a country have taken the incentive for the Mexicans to stay home and fix their own country. We give them free health care, free food, free housing and then turn around and allow them to have the political power to keep all that stuff.

I say we round every illegal immigrant up and march their sorry buts back to Mexico, can you say "trail of tears", Battan Death March". They are here illegally, they should have no rights to protest and especially no rights to stand on an American flag.



Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
, can you say "trail of tears", Battan Death March". .

ah, yes, let's emulate some of the most shameful episodes in human history. Perfect!! :rolleyes:

Sarcasm aside, an America that would repeat those particular mistakes is not a country I'd like to live in much-- and in fact, not one any of "us" would be particularly safe in, either, floating on the fringes as many of us do.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
So what about the entire neighborhoods of illegal European immigrants in New York and other major areas on the East coast? What about the Haitians, Jamaicans, and Cubans in Florida?

is it just Mexicans that everyone seems to hate so bad or is this a blanket policy that should be enforced across the entire nation?


Sandy, Ut it just Mexicans that everyone seems to hate so bad or is this a blanket policy that should be enforced across the entire nation?

If/when anything is enforced it should be enforced across the board.

News reports yesterday were announcing recent findings that 1 in 13 (8%) of babies born in the US last year were born to illegal Mexican immigrants. Over 300,000 in 2009 alone.

Race, origin, sect aside... this world will absolutely lose the ability to feed itself and provide clean air and water to it citizens before resources such as coal and oil expire. Its been happening for ages in other civilizations, I fear we are letting it spill over into our own.


Formerly WJ ZUK
So what about the entire neighborhoods of illegal European immigrants in New York and other major areas on the East coast? What about the Haitians, Jamaicans, and Cubans in Florida?

is it just Mexicans that everyone seems to hate so bad or is this a blanket policy that should be enforced across the entire nation?

If you have to cross water to get here, you have earned the right to be here! Damn those immigrants that only have to walk through the desert


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I just tend to think the problem lies more within the process than within the people. If there was a fair and available process for a normal Mexican (or otherwise) citizen to go through to work here and earn his citizenship, then I don't think we would have the same issues. As it sits, the process is almost impossible and in many ways completely broken.


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Birth tourism is becoming more popular.
Trips are specifically set up so the mother will have a baby in the US and it will be born a US citizen.
It's popular in China so the baby has a US passport.