Political So now what

Political discussions within
So…..this is what impassionate objectivity looks like?
From Miriam Webster

If someone is so blind that they can not see the political nature of what our justice system is being used for, then they are a Fu$@ing moron in my eyes.

I would rather have a different candidate than Trump, but for people to be fine with the obvious use of the our legal system to go after a candidate who running for office is bad for us regardless of who’s side you are on

Classified documents
Trump-raid and indictment that now the FBI and prosecutor have admitted that they staged pictures and provided false information on.

Biden - no indictment even though he has classified documents going back to when he was a senator.

Trump - catch and kill story with an NDA paid for out of his own account. Completely legal but indicted on record keeping violation since it was categorized as a legal expense that they somehow trying get to turn into FEC crime

Clinton-fake Russian Dossier that was paid for with political money that was reported as legal expenses. DOJ does nothing.

These are only a couple examples

Again, anybody who cannot see what is going on within our government regardless of party is a moron.
The only thing I find interesting is that there is enough people engaged in the farce of partisan politics to even have a discussion about whether this is politically motivated. Of course it is. It always was. And it's the same on both sides. Always has and unfortunately, probably always will be like this.

This didn't even register on my radar as an interesting topic, and I can't stand Donald Trump (actually I probably just can't stand the Maga side of Trump supporters the most, but the demagogue himself is a close second).
I'm actually with Cody on this one. This NY trial against Trump was always politically motivated. I really wish one of more important indictments would have been brought to a conclusion. He is likely guilty of this thing, but this particular crime really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

It is mildly amusing that those who are celebrating this verdict think that it actually has a negative effect on his campaign, when unfortunately, the opposite is very likely true.
It is very entertaining to see people describe the media they assume I get my news from with knowing a single fact relating to it.
I believe you mentioned NPR was a primary source for you in past posts.

Let’s not go forgetting that many many many wrong doings have and are being done by republicans also.

There is no good vs evil. It’s evil vs different evil. That’s all.
I think it's worse. At least we know the Democrats are vile bastards right up front, but the Republicans pretend to be on your side just to constantly backstab the American people.
I believe you mentioned NPR was a primary source for you in past posts.

You are correct on that as my commute listening.

What I always find interesting is those who criticize "mainstream" media for being 'biased' very often turn to news sources that are unapologetically pro-Trump and promote themselves as conservative, a very clear bias.

Being well informed means to me as getting information from multiple sources and then being able to reason through that information and make your own conclusions.
"Multiple news sources"

Let's be real, "major reporting" all comes from one central script. Call it "AP" or whatever, there are basically 2 or maybe 3 owners of all the main stream media in this country. Hilariously, they all hold large portions of each others stock as well.
All of this does nothing but reinforce my distrust of all government. I don't want a Republican in office. I don't want a Democrat in office. I want the person in office to have as little power over me as possible. Why that isn't everyone's position is baffling to me. Both parties are literally giving the majority of American's the finger and instead of being pissed at the parties, people are infighting about how bad the other teams dude is.
All of this does nothing but reinforce my distrust of all government. I don't want a Republican in office. I don't want a Democrat in office. I want the person in office to have as little power over me as possible. Why that isn't everyone's position is baffling to me. Both parties are literally giving the majority of American's the finger and instead of being pissed at the parties, people are infighting about how bad the other teams dude is.
Our politicians have given away all control to 3 letter agencies that has grown the bureaucracy of the United States government and that causes us more problems than anything. The ability of the EPA to enact rules that then it takes a law to reverse, 3 letter agencies that can stall and ignore oversight until there is a new administration, etc, etc, etc. There is not a politician that we can elect that will every do anything until powers are taken away from bureaucrats.
All of this does nothing but reinforce my distrust of all government. I don't want a Republican in office. I don't want a Democrat in office. I want the person in office to have as little power over me as possible. Why that isn't everyone's position is baffling to me. Both parties are literally giving the majority of American's the finger and instead of being pissed at the parties, people are infighting about how bad the other teams dude is.
Several of my friends seem to think until We The People stand up and take our country back that it will never happen. Too much evil on both sides, and taking care of one another versus us.

I think this is the one reason that Trump has such a huge following is he mostly seems like he cant be bought, however I think this campaign/term will be purely revenge and personal based. I did like what he did in his first term, but I was absolutely tired of his twitter usage. Focus on running the country and stop stroking your ego, which I also get is pretty much impossible for him. I try to stay out of the political bubble, it doesn't do anything but piss me off more, but more than that is the blatant lies, deceiving, and hypocritical BS that is happening and happens constantly.
As a recovering political junky, I have to say, it feels good to just DGAF this cycle.

Agreed, I was obsessed for a while. Listened to a bunch of podcasts and tons of different news sources all the time keeping up with everything happening. Started to realize I was constantly pissed off all of the time. Dropped all of the podcasts and news scrolling and my happiness levels increased exponentially.