So this happened...

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Obviously, emotions were running high on 1/20, and there was a lot of back and forth on social media.
While I was at work, I snapped this selfie:


Apparently, this cause quite a shyte storm among the snowflakes in my little corner of the world. Long story short, a couple I know from the fringes of my life, called a family member and said a bunch of terrible things about me. People like me should not be tolerated, family or not. Keep in mind, all I posted was my picture.
Being the d*ck I can be sometimes, I emailed my photo to them saying "I heard you really liked my pic, and I'd like you to have your own copy."
Apparently, they freaked and called the cops saying I threatened them.

So lame living on the peninsula.

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Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Why would that bother them? For coffee stains I take some mild liquid detergent and place directly onto a damp sponge. Gently rub the stain with the sponge in a circular motion.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
Why would that bother them? For coffee stains I take some mild liquid detergent and place directly onto a damp sponge. Gently rub the stain with the sponge in a circular motion.

Bahahahaha!!! :rofl::rofl:

Sounds like JL Rockies just got a list of names to add to the "people I don't need in my life" group.


Totally Awesome
I wasn't offended or trying to offend. Just trying to make a funny because you were holding a gun. And I was more interested in your beard hair growth direction.

Mine likes to grow down then curl up when it's about 4 inches in length. I like to grow it that long to annoy my wife. She has decided to call me Poseidon.

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