STOLEN!!!! nissian 240sx with sylvia motor


Registered User
Sandy, Utah
My best friend just had his prized possension stolen last night from his home in sandy up by wasatch road, its a really nice 1990 nissian 240 sx with a sylvia front end and motor, it has yellow lights in front and sounds like a rice rocket car. it has tinted windows and is grey in color with a faded out roof, 2 door, really nice grey smoked rims, please if you know anything about this car please report it to the police, the insurance company will only give him $1100 for it but he bought for $5000 and its worth at least $8000, please keep an eye out for it, thankyou


Registered User
Sandy, Utah
we found it, and its in ruins, my friend was so bumped out:( i hate people who steal:mad: :mad: :mad:


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That sucks!

I hate that people don't have respect for others. These little effers think they can take whatever they want, and they don't realize the impact it has on the people who have worked so hard for their property. I wouldn't have the money to replace/ repair a car like that, and if the insurance company won't cover it and there is still a loan on the vehicle your friend is out the money for months to come. :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
this sucks, but not to rub salt in the wound, your friend should have insured it properly so that he is not left with a heavy heart.

I know what it was like to be young and to tell the insurance company hey it is only a 1990 240sx knowing that the insurance will be cheaper, well now your friend knows what not to do with the next car he insures.

Also if he can produce the receipts proving what was in the car motor, transaxle wise, tires and wheels, etc. I think he could get more money out of them, it is the adjusters job to get you to settle for less, in this case do not.
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Was it recovered or found? If it was recovered and someone was arrested for the theft you may have a chance to get some cash from them but only if charges were filed by the state and you have to pursue the retribution.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
hate to say it but he most likely asked for it by pimping his ride.if he would have keep it quite that he had that motor it would have never been ripped off.he told the wrong person he had that motor and thats all it takes.i would start looking around at the people that knew it was in there .

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Badger said:
hate to say it but he most likely asked for it by pimping his ride.if he would have keep it quite that he had that motor it would have never been ripped off.he told the wrong person he had that motor and thats all it takes.i would start looking around at the people that knew it was in there .

yup I forget what the actual % is, but almost always it is someone that you know or that they know and you kind of know.

It is rarely random.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
Bone Down said:
yup I forget what the actual % is, but almost always it is someone that you know or that they know and you kind of know.

It is rarely random.

by the pictures you can tell that it is all they were after.its a pretty low key car from what i doesn't have the BLING all over it .no YO Dope wing on the back of a front wheel drive car.the rims weren't fancy enough it would seem it still has them was either somebody he knows or somebody they know.either way somebody that he thinks he is close with knows something aboutit getting ripped off

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
hi jack, one of these nights when im out walking the dog, I need to see if I can find you in the neighbor hood...

I need to scout out your goods so that I can let some one know what/where/how to get xj stuffs.... j/k'ing

I would not mind saying hello next time I am out.

Are you in the PUD or the Townhomes or the apartments in the boulders?


Registered User
it was a really nice car im one of the kids friends and i cant belive that someone did that its messed up i hate people, and badger he did have nice rims and tires on there they switched them out


Registered User
alright thanks and if all of you can keep a look out they are gun medal rims real nice if u guys need pics there are better pics on my space under shyon or maybe devilbiker will get some up


I drive Frankenstein!!
Badger said:
hate to say it but he most likely asked for it by pimping his ride.

I have to disagree totally with this statement. I think people have a right to upgrade/modify thier rigs/cars without fear of getting ripped off. The whole idea of "asking for it cuz your pimped your ride" shouldn't even be an issue. That's like saying it's ok if someone steals your XJ cuz you post pics of it on the internet and you modified the crap out of it.. so your asking to get your XJ stolen.

I am sure the guy worked really hard to get the mod's on his car and then some dillweed comes along and jacks it!?

It would really piss me off if I had my Jeep stolen and the responce I got was "well you shouldn't have modified the motor, lifted it, and put larger tires and axles on it; it's your own fault".

Know what I mean Vern?

There should be a lot more punishment for people who steal!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
a friend of mine used to have a big green mohawk and wear chains all the time... and get mad when people would look at him a little funny.

Yes, he's got a right to pimp his car. It draws attention, that's all. Be ready!


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
PierCed_3 said:
I have to disagree totally with this statement. I think people have a right to upgrade/modify thier rigs/cars without fear of getting ripped off. The whole idea of "asking for it cuz your pimped your ride" shouldn't even be an issue. That's like saying it's ok if someone steals your XJ cuz you post pics of it on the internet and you modified the crap out of it.. so your asking to get your XJ stolen.

I am sure the guy worked really hard to get the mod's on his car and then some dillweed comes along and jacks it!?

It would really piss me off if I had my Jeep stolen and the responce I got was "well you shouldn't have modified the motor, lifted it, and put larger tires and axles on it; it's your own fault".

i'm not saying so much that he asked for it because he pimped it.i worded my previous post wrong but what i said still comes across the correct way.i expect it i guess i'm very wary of were and how i leave my ride.i'm from the east were crime is high and this is part of life.i have a hard time leaving my Ford in a parked somewhere when i go wheeling.
when i lived in an apartment i had it locked ,on the trailer ,the trailer itself had 3 different locks on it to keep it from going had a cable with lock going through all the tires,had a hitch lock,then the jeep was chained and locked tothe trailer.i'm also into street car and i can say every one i had and built i keep it low key as silly wings stock style rims that weren't flashy.i didn't have all the stupid stickers or what brand stereo equipment is in my these idiots that drive around with the big stickers on the back window thats says "JL" etc..

they are just asking for it .i'm all about the sleeper.look stock and kick ass.very few knew what i had under the hood.

so don't take my statement the wrong way its just you start showing it off and telling everybody that you have something that is very desired chances are its going to disappear sooner or later if you aren't carefull and take the proper steps.

ok so he dumped a 3500~4500 motor into his 240 and didn't install any kind of cut-off switch .i'm giving him the benifit of the doubt here in saying he must have had an alarm.if i had the motor in my **** you better believe i'm going to have two separate cut-off switches .one for ignition and one for fuel as well as an alarm.good luck getting it without a tow truck.

so i'm sorry if i hurt anybodies feelings for saying he asked for it so much but in a way he did.yes it sucks to have things stolen from you.i know i have worked hard to have most of the things i have and i don't want them taken away from either.sorry it happened but this will kind of teach him to take more care as it for as much as you can and put in as much protection as you can.they may have broken into it but they would have never made off with it if he took the time to add options that would have prevented it from happening.
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I drive Frankenstein!!
I understand what you mean Badger, I just think it's messed up that you can't do whatever you want to your rig without worrying about it being parked in a parking lot or in your driveway for that matter. Theives should be publicly caned or something. They should be responsible for getting your car or rig rebuilt with a few extra mods of your choosing if they get caught. I hate being ripped off.

I just bought a bullet bike and the guy I bought it from says I should chain it up and lock the tree's. I think this is a little excessive but in order to keep my newly aquired posession I do what he suggests. I just can't believe how much you have to do to ensure that your junk doesn't walk.

Where I grew up we never locked doors and keys were always left in the ignition and we only had one car get taken for a joy ride by some kids in the closest town. They ended up paying for a LOT of stuff on the car. We didn't do anything to it but we pocketed a bunch of money. We charged them for new carpet and headliner cuz they smoked in it, we charged them for gas, wear and tear on the motor, tires, brakes, and we charged them for a new interior. It was awesome :D. Thieves need to be caught but I am sure Karma will catch up to them sometime.


I disagree judging by how the vehicle was stolen for the engine it sounds like the theif knew what he was doing and I'm doubtfull fuel or ignition cut offs would have prevented it. It may have slowed them down but to people in the know they are easily bypassed and it's the same for alarms. Those things like deadbolt on your home or simple car door locks only keep the honest people honest but to a theif it only slows them down at best.

I've had a fourwheeler stolen that I had dumped a bunch of money into, I never showed it off or bragged about it, a tweaker simply saw a oppertunity to steal it and score some meth and it was gone. It was locked to my trailer and trailer had 2 locks on it. It slowed them down i'm sure but they still got it.

I do agree with the statement regarding huge stickers advertising your stereo equipment and when you blast your stereo while pulling through your neighborhood you are asking to have it stolen, and really anymore if you have alot of nice stereo equipment chances are they're going to steal the whole car as opposed to trying to grab what they can and run.