Street-legal buggys - It Passed!

I went yesterday and got the inspection done hopefully tomorrow I will find time to run down to the DMV to get my plate. As I expected the inspection place had no idea what I was talking about when I first showed up, but after they called the UHP to verify the new law and what was required it passed with no issues.
I went yesterday and got the inspection done hopefully tomorrow I will find time to run down to the DMV to get my plate. As I expected the inspection place had no idea what I was talking about when I first showed up, but after they called the UHP to verify the new law and what was required it passed with no issues.
who do you have for insurance? My registration will need to be renewed next month and I am not sure what I want to do yet. Need to talk to my insurance and also see how well it will work for me.
who do you have for insurance? My registration will need to be renewed next month and I am not sure what I want to do yet. Need to talk to my insurance and also see how well it will work for me.

Farmers insurance, agent is Kit Erickson 801-982-7200 by airport #2 in the mini mall with Little Ceasers Pizza. He was the only one I could find to give me any insurance on my rig for the past 2 years.
Did they check for a heater during inspection? I assume not. Is a parking brake needed to pass? I read they there needs to be another parking device other than a parking brake.
All the regulations are posted online and within this thread..

We should have our crawler Jeep on the road Next week..
Saw my first UTV driving around in Clearfield this weekend. My first thought was, "Cool! I need to find some fun places to take one around here that I can get to on legal city streets then go buy one." My second thought was, "Hmmm.. We already have 5 cars for just the wife and I, no way would she go for it and no place to park one."

Full sized All terrain Vehicle

Called DMV to transfer VT title, wow they were confused but slowly caught up to speed.

I just hope the local PD does their HW before pulling people over.
I'm still working on insurance for mine. Our insurance guy got us hooked up for $75/yr but now the insurance company is doubting my jeep counts as an atv so we had to send them some pics. It says it right on the title so I'm not sure how they can argue it. After insurance I'll get it inspected :)
So one more time. CLARIFICATION

HB 148 is for full size all terrain vehicles

HB 154 is for small normal sized ATVs, they lifted the population of 7500 rule? Or have a class level, which means what?

HB 148 still has the 7500 population rule and the class option?

No night riding, max speed 45, basic inspection, insurance

No daily driving, this new bill is just for trail head access?

So for example, Can you drive your inspected/insured HB148 buggy to work in Provo, population is over 7500 people.

Do you get a special plate or sticker?
Here's how I understand it.

HB148 ADDS full-size all terrain vehicles.
HB154 removed the population bill.

They are both amendments to the same law. Again, this is my understanding of it.

Honestly, I'd limit it to trail head access personally... But I see many UTVs with plates cruising around the streets of southern towns all the time.

You will get a smaller sized plate.
Right after the new law passed there were 2 UTV's parked outside my work with brand new atv plates.
I'm itching to get mine done and had a new policy with progressive just for my jeep but then they up and decided they didn't want to do it and cancelled the policy in the first week. Not cool.
Just got mine registered. I was the first one in Moab to get inspection, and the second to get it registered. There is a bit of a learning curve involved for the DMV, but overall it went very smoothly.

Cool, congrats. I thought yours was street legal????

When it had fenders, I was able to get it inspected and registered (I "knew a guy" that would look the other way and sign off on it), but it never was really street legal.
[(23)] (22) "Street or highway" means the entire width between boundary lines of every
623 way or place of whatever nature, when any part of it is open to the use of the public for
624 vehicular travel.
625 [(24)] (23) "Street-legal all-terrain vehicle" or "street-legal ATV" has the same
626 meaning as defined in Section 41-6a-102

So does that mean i can drive my full size all terrain vehicle where ever its legal

Not just to and from trail?

Sounds to good to be true.

Any break down on class county or people limit of 7500, or just accept that the salt lake county is off limits only.

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