Wow, what a read...
My take on the whole deal...
Business is business... I would be willing to bet that the UROC crew still lost money on the event (with respect to ticket sales). If they could afford to sell tickets for $5, then they would I'm sure.
I had alot of freinds come out and watch the event, some are involved in wheeling, others just wanted to see a show. I didn't hear a single complaint regarding the event... after seeing how well it turned out, I would personally pay $15 to go watch again in a heartbeat...
UROC does help out groups like U4WDA & Usa-All, not in cash donations, but in free booths (both the U4WDA & Usa-All had booths). We were happy they allowed us to be there, and we made ALOT of good contacts with both the industry (vendors, etc) as well as prospective members. Our main goal is publicity, name recognition and pleased members. SUWA has us beat in $$$ and numbers, therefor we will take any help we can get.
I addition to the free booth, UROC also assisted in brokering the deal between Tom Woods freebie truck and the U4WDA, a deal that we needed badly.
All aspects of the 4x4 sport are inter-related... you can dismiss one, without harming the other... I'm not saying that your a bad person for not attending, quite the opposite, your free to choose when/where you spend your money. But think about the "Big Picture" in regards to the sport, you think the UROC markup is nearly that of ture companies, lift companies, Moab hotels, fast food joints, GAS, etc... So why no public outcry and boycott?
Pick your battles...