Syria: Trigger to WW III?

In general, the American people have become complacent in their prosperity. We've forgotten why our Founding Fathers created the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution/Bill of Rights.

The Progressive infiltration of both Rep and Dem parties, in Primary, Secondary and Higher Ed have pro-actively dilluted the importance of having honor, doing right and recognizing evil.
We have allowed ourselves to be led by our elected officials, instead of requiring them to do the Will of the People. Both parties are largely corrupt and supporting a Progressive agenda, but there are a few who actually care about following the Constitution. Mike Lee, Jason Chaffetz and Rand Paul come to mind.

9/11 was a wakeup call for me.....I can admit that I was politically passive and a party line voter.....NO MORE.

Read and understand the Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Teach your children.

Recognize the main stream media for what it is, political propaganda. Journalism is not dead, but you have to look for other sources online, but know that there are many good ones to choose from. Some great links have been shared on this thread, also see Drudge Report and Breitbart.

Investigate and question everything you read and hear, look for supporting sources and what they have to gain.

Share what you learn on Facebook and other social media sites, with friends and family, take ownership in educating your children about history and current events.
While your googling all this fun stuff, check out FEMA region III alert. IT may be a tin foil hat scenario, but I can't help but wonder how much truth is in it. There are plenty of signs that this ride is about to get bumpy... I don't think we've seen bumpy yet compared to what's coming down the pipeline.
If everyone would just nuke everyone and get it all over with, I wouldn't have to worry about finding the car keys I lost last night. Save me some grief.
It is just sooooo hard to know, with such scant and usually dishonestly presented evidence. But, my own take, at this point, is it was one of the rebel factions, not the Assad gov't. This time, anyway.

So now that Obama is punting to Congress, the British Parliament has voted down military action, and France (the only other nation that can project force similarly to the US) is taking up the cause to strike militarily at the Assad regime, where does the tin-foil hat/isolationist crowd stand?
So now that Obama is punting to Congress, the British Parliament has voted down military action, and France (the only other nation that can project force similarly to the US) is taking up the cause to strike militarily at the Assad regime, where does the tin-foil hat/isolationist crowd stand?

When you see two dogs out fighting in the yard and neither one belong to you then it may be in your best interest to leave them alone... :spork:
LOL, I didn't realize that there were so many conspiracy theorist on here. As for those that think they can overthrow the US Government you are severely delusional. You haven't a clue of the capability of today's military and intel. The only remote chance that you would have would be to turn the military against the Government and even though the majority of the military are Republican card carry members it isn't ever going to happen.

That said, stay the hell out of Syria. Why is it that John McCain, one of the very first residents of the Hanoi Hilton is so hell bent on war. The fact that Brits voted it down should be enough of a red flag. This is why the Euros and everyone else for that matter hate Americans, because we are always trying to play big brother. I don't recall anyone foreign to us intervening in our civil war. Why is it that every public opinion poll that I see 65% to 85% of Americans are against a strike, yet once again our government will not listen. Oh, and don't even get me started on old Hilary endorsing Obama's decision.

Then you have the, at least perceived transparency of our government, by the time they do strike they, the enemy, will already know the time, date, place of the strike and have anything of strategic or criminally damaging evidence moved.

Here's how it will play out folks, take it from a 21 year veteran. With our war ships currently on the Red sea and the USS Nimitz carrier group steaming towards it, as well as the Russian Navy the US will launch, Russia will strike their targets, maybe our ships, maybe elsewhere, Syria will attach via Cyber war (that could be the most damaging). Syria will as well eventually strike Israel which will in turn provoke Israel into an all out war which this time they will not stop. Iran will be involved in the air, which will not last long with the US & Israel air superiority. Then, the big big strategic move, I don't know how but North Korea will act up and we my friends cannot fight two wars on two separate least not by our force now, we would have to institute a draft, a massive recall, or emancipate service. China will stay at bay during the entire thing.

Any idiot that votes for any politician that backs this strike is part of the problem and not the solution.
Conspiracy theorists? I wouldn't call it that. I'd say alternatively informed. What most called a conspiracy in the last decade has in the last year been proven as fact on many fronts. NSA spying on everybody? Conspiracy! Not possible! Our currency is controlled by a private bank and every dollar we borrow is owed interest (debt from thin air)? Conspiracy! Not possible! The M.I.C. isn't out to spread "democracy" but rather gain strategic control of resources for special interests? Conspiracy!

The list goes on... The best advice I can give to anybody is to question any and all "official stories".

I do agree with you though. No standing chance of a violent revolution, that's why I didn't even mention it. I only mentioned being informed and helping others be informed. Take steps to freeing yourself from the bullshit. I also mentioned investing in alternative decentralized currency and other non-violent actions.

I think you are dead on with that last part.
I believe nothing that I read whether it be main stream or alt. There is just as much BS printed in alt as there are in main stream. I validate everything personally and if I cannot I treat it as false. And guess who I work for? I'm definitely not a democrat and rather quickly breaking ties with the Republican party because as mentioned before they all have their personal agenda and are not looking out after the peoples will.

Rand Paul is doing nothing more than appealing to the public for his bid for the Presidency and I like him....well just a little, the only politician that might be on the public side is Mike Lee.

Syria and NK are behind far greater cyber attacks than what is reported. Picture if you will, last weekend per say, millions upon millions on the road, the vast majority with little cash on them and dependent on their plastic money, A cyber attach is launched against the commerce. Nobody has cash to pay for gas, for food, for hotels, nobody can feed the babies, nobody can get home for help, millions of people are stranded, motor transport cannot deliver goods for lack of fuel, can you see the anarchy? We would be fighting tooth and nail against each other. My advice to all would be get your stock pile up and have cash on hand or something worth trading for because it's not a matter of if, but when it happens.
I forgot to mention, the last time we were going to launch a strike on Syria and not commit ground troops I was on a bird heading towards Syria after said air strike only to be turned around after 7 hours in the air.
LOL, I didn't realize that there were so many conspiracy theorist on here. As for those that think they can overthrow the US Government you are severely delusional. You haven't a clue of the capability of today's military and intel. The only remote chance that you would have would be to turn the military against the Government and even though the majority of the military are Republican card carry members it isn't ever going to happen.

The military is full of (mostly) men of honor who take their oath to defend the constitution seriously. Do you really believe that if it came down to it and the President orders a violent suppression of the people that everyone would follow that order? Luckily, we are a country with a government and not the other way around so overthrow is not necessary.
It is my belief that if the executive revoked the constitution it would do so without the assistance of OUR military.
The military is full of (mostly) men of honor who take their oath to defend the constitution seriously. Do you really believe that if it came down to it and the President orders a violent suppression of the people that everyone would follow that order? Luckily, we are a country with a government and not the other way around so overthrow is not necessary.
It is my belief that if the executive revoked the constitution it would do so without the assistance of OUR military.

I think you majorily read into that Dude, I didn't speak nothing about a Presidential Order to violently suppress the people. But now that you brought it up, it would never happen, that is a Presidential order as such, not even he is that stupid......close, but not quite
Did you see Syria's President on the news the other's going to be bad, real bad if Obama doesn't eat crow and back down. Hell he doesn't even have the backing right now of the Arab Nations nor Israel. Talk about Mr. Obvious hitting him in the face and he isn't listening.