The beginnings of the Revolt!


I run a tight ship... wreck
I love driving a stocker over trails where a most people wouldn't dare take a Stock rig.......( BUT, I will do my best to get that same rig thru, ASAP.) Driving the 'Spike in a totally stock TJ was a blast.

It also STRESSES THE HELL out of a person. These days, I can actually enjoy the Trails because I know I'm outfitted properly to be there. I can take in the scenery, enjoying the unmatched beauty of the outdoors and remain challenged.

Thats my reason for driving what I do.

Plus, like Andy says, it's a thing of Progression. I started out in a 4 Cyl CJ5 with 225/75/15's.... street tires, no less. After awhile it had 33's, a EFI'd V8, and a rear Locker. Once you reach your current limits, you'll see that you want to push the envelope further.

There's a learning curve to wheelin and the longer you spend in the seat of a Stock 4x4, the better driver you'll be, once you start getting the 'real' mods. Keep driving youy YJ and make a point to learn something new about it, each time you go wheelin.

Push it to its LIMITS!! Thats something we all can do, no matter how well-equipped our rigs are!


aka. Hollywood
A couple of years ago I took my brother in-laws stock YJ up above Farmington(foothills) and had a blast, lifting tires and having to weave around rocks, big holes and ruts. But I found my self wishing I was in the Bronco, because it's so much more fun to me to drive the harder line. There was also the fact that it was my bro in-laws Jeep, and I didn't want to beat on it. So maybe over time you see where we are coming from.


inner city redneck
Salt Lake City
I agree about the what makes a bling bling rig..... I have a home built rig(built on a budjet) that is definitely isnt a stocker. I am not afraid to roll and yes I take the hardest line l know my rig will take. My problem is the person in a stocker who dosent know his rig and shows up on rusty nail, breaks down, blocks the trail and ends up having me fix him cuz he is way in over his head. We all started somwhere. We all have to learn. Do some research before you go on a trail. Learn your rig and then start building. I had the oppurnity to run prichett this summer in a 33 inch tire four banger yj and it was fun. I would still rather have my rig thoagh. I like the fact i know i wont break a 35 rear axle and leave me stranded. As people progress so will the rigs.


look what i can do!!
you cant place blame for trail problems on anyone, stock or seriously built....people from all catagories are causing problems..
there will allways be some jackass moving rocks and pulling off the trail, running over trees just to play on some fawking rock or driving arround something they cant handle..
there will be no end to this, no matter what you drive...
i think you need to stop worrying about what the truck looks like, and start looking at faces...taking down plate numbers and reporting people....
you cant place blame on a truck...
and there is no cure for stupidity...
there is allways someone on the trail that shouldnt be there...and unfotunatly you cant stop can tell them how you feel but that is also a good way of starting a fight...
there is no good solution..
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look what i can do!!
Originally posted by Jeremy
There is a solution, you can befriend them, and teach them. And I don't have 39's. They are 38's thank you very much:D

teach them.. generally yes
but not everyone wants to listen & learn...

demon jeep

American fork
I went from a total built YJ to my some what built TJ and Im loving being back to open axles and knowing my limits. But every time I go out I seem to learn something new about my TJ, there for I can take were some people think Iam completely crazy I know how far it will lean befor falling over and how big of a rock I can climb over.
The biggest thing that kills trails is tires just spinning
If you donnot spin tires you are not digging holes and you are using what you need your tread.
On your YJ Pokey you have the bump stops in the lift you have does not give you any more flex than a stock YJ If you want more drop do a long shock kit from M.O.R.E and get shorter bump stops or chance it and take them off, But that will were the leafs out faster and you may hit fenders
But you will get more drop. Do not use you E brake to much becouse you will wear out your rear brake a little faster and trust me you need all you can some day. JUst try to look at something and try it dont worry about what people think drive and love to drive make your own driving style. People like shawn and others that are built to take the hard lines are fun to wheel with becouse they will give you crap and when the get hung up on a boulder that you just went over make sure to give it back. We are all here becouse we all love to wheel so lets love the sport and love our land that we still have left.


Everyone here has put up some good points, but to play the Devil's Advocate I ask when do you decide that you have gone too far. When every trail you do is cake? There has to be a point when you say this is far enough, you biuld your rig so that it can take any trail, and so you start looking for new trails, and soon the BLM is going to say this is far enough. I realize that building so that you don't break is neccesary but when over building happens you exceed the trails diffuiculty level. Heres some more of my view to get the brain juices flowin':D


Maybe I don't understand why people build their rigs. I don't even know exactly why I felt the need to lift my Jeep. But I did and I couldn't be happier. Would somebody please explain to me why you built your rig, I would like to know, seriously, I don't understand why. I can understand a mild lift and some bigger tires to get you through a trail, but I don't understand the logic behind building it huge. Is it the same logic that I use for my Jeep or are there different reasons to building?


Andy is a perfect mid stream guy learning the ropes....
A Bronco..........WHO in the.......
I'm just teasing you butt nut........
Milner wins that award........
I agree with Jeremy and all the others on here have very valid points... I think it just depends on the person and what there goals are... I felt that I could compete with alot of guys in the competitions but my rig would leave my skills stranded on the sidelines...That's not why i spent the money---I spent the money to have fun and see where I landed--and shoot it would be nice some day if I ever won a trophy......
Now I have some.....yyyaaaaahhhhoooo
as far as nascar and buggies and people relating I made my YJ a YJ and extreme as possible....
We went to Moab this weekend and I notice how the rock pile has been bypassed even more and the trail altered!!!!!!?hhhmmmm
Not from me not making it up the pile---Maybe rigs that arent setup!!!!!!!Probably....
That's all for now..


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
You know, Pritchett as a whole, is a good example. Rocker knocker used to be just two ledges and now it's three becuase of ill equipped rigs and poor driving or spotting. If you've never seen it and you try it, you won't make it because of how wacky the proper line is. And the alteration next to rockpile wasn't there just 6 months ago. I've always made it up rockpile... with a strap!


formerly "rckcrlr"
Lots of good points. I agree with Andy and Shawn.
I started in Moab 15 years ago with 31's on my Bronco. Every time I went up a tire size I said I would never go bigger, but I at 38's now. Never say never.

You say we make trails harder. I don't think so. We may take harder lines or new extreme trails. Use and erosion make trails harder.

When will the BLM say enough is enough. My guess is when they see all the uneeded bypasses on trails that should be left to those equiped and Skilled enough to do it. Trails get tore up just as much by those that are taking trails beyond them and their vehicle. I see a LOT more bypasses that are easier than tha main route, rather than harder than the main route. Nothing makes me more angery than an unneeded bypass. Use a winch/strap/what ever!!!! But, do not make a bypass!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you must stack rocks, remove them!! Leave it the way you found it!!

My theory is that the easy/over availability of capable vehicles and affordable modifications in the hands of un/under-experienced drivers with more pride than sense cause the majority of the damage/bypass building.

As for Bling Bling, know what you are talking about before you start spouting off. I know of NO one on this board that went out and drop mega $$$$ for their rig!!

Personally I have had mine for 15 years of constant modification. I scronge/beg/barter/trade and do the work myself with the help of many friends!! Most on this BB.

As for B's rig, have you seen what it was just 1 year ago???? He worked hard for the equipment on there, traded and bartered for much of it. Sold old parts to buy new, and most of all He, I and friends put in a LOT of time into it to get it to where it is. And he can drive it to!!

As for me, I enjoy "easy" trails just as much as difficult ones. I enjoy taking newbies on gold bar or poison spider, and wheeling with my buddies on upper proving ground.

Another point, to me half the fun is building and seeing if you can build a better mouse trap.

As for over building a rig, it is not possible. You will never be able to build the ideal rig for every obstacle/trail. Different rigs/setups worker better in different area's even within the same trail.

Sorry for the soap box, I'll shut up now. Don't mean to offend anyone, please don't take it personally, not meant that way. Just my opinion!!



Amen bruda.......
By the way my friends with open TJ's and other sort rigs( Some with Hockey puck motor mounts) Run right with us.
Damn rednecks.....
Other point....
When you need air, tools, or on-board welders you'll come to us to get you home......
How about high quality cheap parts!!!!!!!HHMMMM
Ohh yah and I also forgot to mention some of us actually have income and jobs and sponsors from all of this......
You have a job working somewhere...?
I do rock crawls and drive for a when need too.
Thank you drive thru


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Originally posted by pokeyYJ
Would somebody please explain to me why you built your rig, I would like to know, seriously, I don't understand why.

This is easy.

I love to fab. Building my rig is the best part of Everything. Taking it out on the trail and learning what I need to do to be able to crawl over that rock gives me a rush.

I have built my rig.
I have built my rig how I want it.
I love my rig.

It does Everything I want it to. The satisfaction of putting in all the Hours and Hours of work just to climb over that freekin rock is all I need.



Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I never siad Brandon dropped a single coin on his rig, and I never said he dropped it off at some place like factory and gave them his visa number. I know what Brandon is and how. "Bling" doesn't mean your rich, it means your shiny and expensive looking.
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