The Global Warming College Tour w/Sheryl Crow!


It's pretty easy to go look at the data on any of the sites that I listed to see that there has been a sharp increase in surface, ocean and air temps since the mid 1800' I wonder why?


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
It's also easy to see the utter lack of information pre-1800's regarding temperature.

On one hand you've got scientists talking about the ice ages and tropical poles eons ago, and on the other hand you have those same scientists saying that man is causing it??? That stupid movie w/Dennis Quaid is the perfect example of that hypocrisy.

It's cyclical. We lack information to say anything but that.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
From here:

Greenland icecores less than 6000 years old, with or without
Velikovsky and/or catastrophism:

Another aspect of this evidence that must be pointed out: Ice
does not melt from below unless volcanism is heating the rock in
contact with the ice at the bottom of a glacier. Ice melts from
the top or sides, downward and inward. There can be no doubt
that much or all of the Greenland and Antarctica icecaps melted
during this 3,000-to-5,000-year warm period. Of greatest
significance is that the icecaps melted from the top downward.
This simply means that the icecap melted and flowed away as
water and that, during this entire period, no ice layers could
have ever formed. Since more ice was being lost than was forming
during this timeframe, no ice layers from before 8,000 to 3,000
years ago could have remained even if Velikovsky's theory is
completely disregarded. The layers of ice that Ellenberger and
Mewhinney are presenting as evidence against Velikovsky, based
on their own gradualistic processes, could never have existed,
yet this has not stopped them from arguing that the layers are
there. Ellenberger and Mewhinney have dismissed this fundamental
melting evidence!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
from here:



Giver of bad advice
Nice Tacoma, nice... Its almost like everyone has forgotten elementary school sciences. I was taught back in the 70s that the earth's climate was always changing. I also remember my father getting all caught up in the coming ice age that was being "preached" at the time. Nope, won't fool him this time around with the warming false religion.

Read the book, "State of Fear". Yes, its fiction, but with a ton of research done. And even though I believe the earth is warming, it will cool again. And now, where is my check from the oil companies? Probably being hijacked by Manbearpig...


formerly known as PokeyYJ
Bountiful, UT
Ok, here is my take on the whole topic.. If you don't buy into the idea of human's adding to a changing global climate then bring your scale down to a local climate. Look at the Salt Lake Valley in the winter, and try to tell me that man does not have an impact on environment.

I do believe that humans have an effect on climate and this can be positive or negative. To say that the millions of tons of CO2 produced each year do not impact the climate is a false statement.

Even if you don't agree with me, at least look at what reducing pollution will gain you and your family in the future. I look forward to the days when I am not told to stay indoors in the winter because the concentration of PM2.5 is too high.


no user title
Good point. I'm out too. Until someone brings more than just their opinions, I'll leave this alone.

Brett, I bumped another thread with "more than just opinions" . . . it's all been said.
If you don't want to address what has been said already, that is fine. But you should at least have the common courtesy to address what has been said before sniping, and claiming that no one has said anything other than their opinions.

And it's ironic that you used the term "opinions . . ." Because, at the end of the day, isn't that all this is? NO ONE of authority (and I'm sorry, but Algore's degree in journalism hardly qualifies him as an expert) has ever claimed to have definitive proof. It is all theories, or opinions.


no user title
It's pretty easy to go look at the data on any of the sites that I listed to see that there has been a sharp increase in surface, ocean and air temps since the mid 1800' I wonder why?

There is an old saying among archaeologists:
"You find what you are looking for."

Heinrich Schliemann set out to find Troy in his 1871-1873 expedition . . .
So when he found an old city which showed evidence of fire, he claimed that he found Troy (which he did) AND that he found proof of Agamemnon's reign . . .
The point is, he was looking for proof of Homer's tales, and when he found an old city, he made the leap to assume that all of his other theories are true.

In global warming, you have people who are ACTIVELY SEEKING LINKS between man, and global warming trends.
Well, you look hard enough, and you are bound to find something that seems to validate your claims.

I do NOT trust the science of people who have an agenda. Isn't the first rule of science to have an open mind, and follow the evidence? That isn't happening with global warming.
These people are looking for proof to validate their claims, and ignoring evidence which might contradict their beliefs (was natural climate change EVER mentioned in algore's flick?).

Finally, it's dangerous to rely on statistics. Any statistician will tell you that you can make statistics say or mean whatever you want them to. They are support for a claim, but NOT definitive proof.


Brett, I bumped another thread with "more than just opinions" . . . it's all been said.
If you don't want to address what has been said already, that is fine. But you should at least have the common courtesy to address what has been said before sniping, and claiming that no one has said anything other than their opinions.

And it's ironic that you used the term "opinions . . ." Because, at the end of the day, isn't that all this is? NO ONE of authority (and I'm sorry, but Algore's degree in journalism hardly qualifies him as an expert) has ever claimed to have definitive proof. It is all theories, or opinions.

I'm assuming that you are referring to the thread started by 1\4elliptical toy and how he thought that "An Inconvient Truth" was good.

As for what you think that I should respond to, I'm not sure what the gain is to that. You have your opinions and from what I've gathered, you don't believe in the fact that mankind is part of the problem with global warming. I do understand the fact that this planet goes through warming and cooling periods, which take thousands of years to happen. I don't see anyone who is "ignoring," as you put it, the fact that this happens. The main point that most people seem to be trying to make is that this warming period is happening now, and that mankind is contributing to it more with the release of pollution into the air. Can you honestly tell me that you think that it's a good thing for humans to be dumping all the crap into the air that we do? As Lenny stated above my post, you can look at the SLC valley during winter...and what do you see? Nothing but smog and pollution in the air. You can drive up to Park City and suddenly it's clear and sunny, but in the valley all you can see is a thick layer of pollution. Maybe I'm just missing something there, but that's a pretty good example of what mankind does with the enviorment. I doubt that 200 years ago this valley had that happening every winter time as badly as this has been. You can't even see blue sky unless we get a storm to roll through and blow out the smog! I did try to run a search for "Smoky Mountains" in Utah, but the only thing that I could find was an area in Glen Canyon National are you sure on that reference you made?

Greenhouse gases are produced naturally, I agree with you there. Is there any good from mankind adding more gases to the atmosphere that you can name? I guess that only BIG point I am trying to make here is that we, humans, are contributing to the damage. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it seems like you don't think that we are. Please, correct me if I am wrong, but that's how it comes across to me.

Anyway, I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just stating my own opinion, as you are. My only problem has been that it seems you bring up points saying everything about global warming is a fraud or wrong, but I haven't seen anything to say that you are correct, such as a link to anything science article or paper stating that.

I'm done for now :greg:


In global warming, you have people who are ACTIVELY SEEKING LINKS between man, and global warming trends.
Well, you look hard enough, and you are bound to find something that seems to validate your claims.

Correct, and I would like to think that NASA, NOAA, the EPA are all unbiased in their opinions on this subject, but who knows.

I do NOT trust the science of people who have an agenda. Isn't the first rule of science to have an open mind, and follow the evidence? That isn't happening with global warming.
These people are looking for proof to validate their claims, and ignoring evidence which might contradict their beliefs (was natural climate change EVER mentioned in algore's flick?).

Actually, yes it was mentioned quite often in the movie. I don't think that they are out to just say "It's mankinds fault!" Most likely, they started looking for some natural reason and when there was none, they looked at ourselves. Who knows though, we'd have to ask them.

Finally, it's dangerous to rely on statistics. Any statistician will tell you that you can make statistics say or mean whatever you want them to. They are support for a claim, but NOT definitive proof.

No one ever stated that it was proof, but not using history as a guide is one way to shoot yourself in the foot later on.


Giver of bad advice
So, if one believes his impact is greater than it needs to be, drive a smaller car, carpool, bike... Me, I own 2 four cylinder cars, one low emission labeled truck and my Grand Cherokee. I carpool to work, ride my bike when I can (not to work, thats 100 miles roundtrip...). Try to recycle as much as I can. Pick up trash on trails.

Man does have an impact on man's environement. The amount of that impact is certainly up for dispute. I would imagine that if you stopped burning wood (fireplaces) in the valleys during winter, the smog would lessen.

But the whole Global Warming religion is hooey. All about MAN'S arrogance. There is certainly historical evidence/statistics to show the Earth doesn't have a steady/solid/ideal temperature. Even supporters of Kyoto admit their SEVERE protocols will not have a serious impact.

All I am saying is that it is up to each person to do what they can to limit their environemental impact. Buying carbon credits/offsets is ludicrous. When Algore lives like I do, I'll be more willing to give more up or do more. Until then, my footprint is smaller than his and always will be. I can't wait for Algore to be shown the HERETIC he is... It will happen in this lifetime.
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
If you believe that, move to smogless CA, where everything is mandated clean and wholesome. The Salt Lake Valley has a unique geographic reason for being HISTORICALLY hazy.

Ok, here is my take on the whole topic.. If you don't buy into the idea of human's adding to a changing global climate then bring your scale down to a local climate. Look at the Salt Lake Valley in the winter, and try to tell me that man does not have an impact on environment.

I do believe that humans have an effect on climate and this can be positive or negative. To say that the millions of tons of CO2 produced each year do not impact the climate is a false statement.

Even if you don't agree with me, at least look at what reducing pollution will gain you and your family in the future. I look forward to the days when I am not told to stay indoors in the winter because the concentration of PM2.5 is too high.