The Global Warming College Tour w/Sheryl Crow!


Vanilla Gorilla
I love burning fossil fuels by the hundreds of gallons. I love buying products delivered to me by the use of hundreds of gallons of fossil fuels. I love working in an industry that burns hundreds of gallons of fossil fuel a day to drill and exploit fossil fuels.

My entire existence revolves around burning hydrocarbons and you know what? I am having a good time of it so take your global warming alarmist BS and shove it. Greg may have jokingly said that true environmentalists will kill themselves but in order to solve the problem...that is the ONLY solution. Your mere existence is destroying the environment according to your logic. Save the planet, kill yourself!

Am I part of the I going to change my ways...Absolutely NOT!


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
I love burning fossil fuels by the hundreds of gallons. I love buying products delivered to me by the use of hundreds of gallons of fossil fuels. I love working in an industry that burns hundreds of gallons of fossil fuel a day to drill and exploit fossil fuels.

My entire existence revolves around burning hydrocarbons and you know what? I am having a good time of it so take your global warming alarmist BS and shove it. Greg may have jokingly said that true environmentalists will kill themselves but in order to solve the problem...that is the ONLY solution. Your mere existence is destroying the environment according to your logic. Save the planet, kill yourself!

Am I part of the I going to change my ways...Absolutely NOT!

Well put :rofl:

Brett you list some web sites and say Global warming must be true but there are just as many web stes saying it isn't true. This was one I googled in ten seconds. Just like has been said you find facts to support what ever you want to believe. Is man creating smog...of course we are. Are we going to cause the earth to flood because of it? Yea right. When I was in grade school the enviro's were saying we were headed for an ice age...using the same data I might add.



Who Dares Wins
To answer your questions Brett, yes humanity has had an effect on the environment and the climate. And yes, its probably been greater since the Industrial Revolution. But when Mount St. Helens went up in '82 it put more greenhouse gases and other pollution into the atmosphere that all human activity had for the previous several centuries. So that about wipes out the theory that humans are the primary contributer to Global Climate Change (need to be PC here). That would also explain why temperatures were on average lower throughout the 80's and early 90's. Similar, but not quite as bad as the Year Without Summer in 1816 after Mount Tambora erupted and the subsequent three decades of cold weather across most of the planet.
In the end the only real solution to all of the environmental problems facing humanity is to limit population growth, especially in the third world (oh, I'm sorry, that wasn't PC. 'Less Developed Nations'). Think in terms of sustainability, not growth. No more water supply, food or space issues. Kyoto and other Global Climate Change ideals never address the true problem. But since the environmental industry is a growth industry they will never endorse a policy of zero population (in fact it was a point of major contention in the Sierra Club board election in 2003) you'll never hear about that in the main stream media, which as we all know is just a mouth piece for the greens.


Well put :rofl:

Brett you list some web sites and say Global warming must be true but there are just as many web stes saying it isn't true. This was one I googled in ten seconds. Just like has been said you find facts to support what ever you want to believe. Is man creating smog...of course we are. Are we going to cause the earth to flood because of it? Yea right. When I was in grade school the enviro's were saying we were headed for an ice age...using the same data I might add.


The websites that I posted were at least ones that I would consider reputable, something that people could look at and see that these are agencies that have been around. Personally I would think the NOAA, NASA and the EPA would know what they are doing, but that's just me. :hickey: That, and they're who knows with them lol
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formerly known as PokeyYJ
Bountiful, UT
If you believe that, move to smogless CA, where everything is mandated clean and wholesome. The Salt Lake Valley has a unique geographic reason for being HISTORICALLY hazy.

Riiiighhht,,, humans have no effect on the amount of pollution in the SLC valley....:rofl:

Also,, you can regulate everything, when you get as many people living in So. Cal as there is, you will still get pollution.


Vanilla Gorilla
It has been smoggy since before the pioneers got here man...It's the geography. Now I am not saying we aint helping things...but it always has been that way!


no user title
Smog and haze are different things

Very true.
Smog = pollutants
Haze = water particles
We have contributed to the smog in salt lake valley, but as I said before, the reason is the mountains . . . when you have a high pressure over a low pressure, the particles which are more dense (water, CO2, etc . . .) are pushed down.
NORMALLY, you don't have mountains around, so these dense particles spread evenly across the area.
In SLC, however, the mountains force all of these dense particles through the canyons, and into the valleys.

So, yes, we are contributing to the smog in SL valley, BUT you MUST remember that what you are seeing is a collection of ALL the smog in the area that is being pushed towards the LOW POINT!
Remember, you DO live in an area called "the Great Basin." So when you see an inversion, you are seeing the smog from ALL OF THE GREAT BASIN BEING PUSHED TOWARDS THE LOWEST POINT: the Great Salt Lake.

Yes, what you are seeing is man's pollution, but you are NOT simply seeing the pollution from SLC/Utah County.

IF you REALLY want to stop putting so many "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere, let's talk Nuclear Power, and Hydro-power.
Coal plants put a TON of crap into the air . . . and I dare say that a lot of what you see during an inversion is due to the coal fired plants in the area.
So, let's lift the restrictions on new Nuclear power plants, allow more dams to be built, and start cutting back on the pollution.


no user title
Anyway, I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just stating my own opinion, as you are. My only problem has been that it seems you bring up points saying everything about global warming is a fraud or wrong, but I haven't seen anything to say that you are correct, such as a link to anything science article or paper stating that.

I'm done for now :greg:

you are correct about my criticism being inappropriate . . . I have been very general, and discounting of any who buy into the global warming hype.
But I hope that you can now see the irony.

With the global warming crowd, there is no middle ground (their own words). You either believe in it, or are wrong. Period. Algore even said that there is NO ROOM FOR DISCUSSION because there is now "a consensus" among scientists.
What consensus?

Besides, do you remember what happened to the climatologists who disagreed with algore and his little minions?
A head of the National Weather Service THREATENED TO HAVE THEM DE-CERTIFIED for disagreeing with global warming!!!
If you don't agree with the global warming crowd, they refuse to debate you on the merits of the argument, but instead they GO AFTER YOUR THROAT!
There is no concept of "agree to disagree." It's you're with us, or for us . . . and those who disagree with global warming-ists are blacklisted.

This tactic was WRONG when it was used in Salem, it was wrong when used during the 50's, and it is wrong today.

There very well may be some merit to some of the arguments being put forth by the global warming crowd . . . but it's unfortunate that we'll never know whether or not this is true.
Too many people have a stake in the outcome of this debate to let the debate occur. Some opportunists saw big $$$ in Global Warming and started capitalizing on it. Then the politicians smelled the $$$, seized onto it, and politicized it. Once something becomes political, there is NO place for scientific discussion.

You have people claiming that there is a consensus, when no consensus exists. You have people making personal attacks and threats against those who disagree with the global warming-ists. You have people paying big $$$ to scientists who help "prove" global warming . . . and NO ONE cries foul about this!
Shouldn't scientists be free from political influence and pressures?
If a scientist publishes a paper that is critical of the global warming-ists position? Their grants are IMMEDIATELY revoked.

I thought that liberals were the ones who cared about "free speech," "pure science," having open minds, and encouraging diverse opinions.

As for me not providing counter-propaganda/websites to support my position: why? Others have provided these web-sites, and they have been ignored. What is the point of providing more sites?

Besides, given the sample size being used, the predictions these scientists are making are STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!

How old is the earth? According to these scientists, the earth is 4.5 billion years old.
We have been keeping records of the weather, and measurements of temperatures for the last 200 years.

In statistics, there is something called standard error/deviation.
What this means is that any time you make a prediction based on a small sample, there is a possibility of error in your calculation.
Standard deviation tells you how far your results can deviate, and what % of accuracy you will have.
It's complicated . . . look at political polls. You always see predictions of how many votes a politician will get, and at the bottom of the poll you always see "Error: +/- 3%."
Say a poll predicts that Politician A is winning with 60% of the vote.
Standard error/deviation means that there is a 99% possibility that Politician A is getting anywhere between 57% to 63% of the vote. This 3% is the standard of error/deviation that the results can experience, while remaining 99% accurate.

So, let's look at the sample size these climatologists are using:
200 years. 200 years out of 4.5 billion years . . . this gives you a standard error of 7.9%.
So, any prediction which they make, there is a 99% possibility that their prediction is off by 7.9%.

In a poll, if the standard error is 3%, and candidate A is winning by 52%, the poll will say that it is "too close to call" because there is a 99% chance that candidate A is winning by 55%, or losing by 49%.

Scientists have predicted that the temperature will rise between 2 to 11 degrees over the next year, right?
Figure the standard error into this, and tell me if it is ethical to be making these dramatic predictions . . .


formerly known as PokeyYJ
Bountiful, UT
StrobeNGH, very well put.

My next question is this;

Global Warming aside, would you participate in steps to reduce CO2 emissions and other harmful pollutants solely for the benefit of polluting less?


Giver of bad advice
My next question is this;

Global Warming aside, would you participate in steps to reduce CO2 emissions and other harmful pollutants solely for the benefit of polluting less?

I have and do. As stated a couple posts above. I don't think I need to pollute just because of natural climate change cycles. But at the same time, I'm not going to live in etenral fear of rising oceans and such.

The Global Warming industry (yes, I said INDUSTRY, follow the money...) can only continue to make their money by keeping us in fear. I refuse that fear because I can think for myself, not be a sheeple. Same with terrorism. Yes, there is a chance something could happen to me here, but I'm not going to live my life any different, otherwise the terrorist wins. Am I more watchful or cautious? Yes. But I'm not curling up in the fetal position in a corner doing NOTHING!

Oh man, I'm going wheeling this weekend and enjoy the environement...


no user title
StrobeNGH, very well put.

My next question is this;

Global Warming aside, would you participate in steps to reduce CO2 emissions and other harmful pollutants solely for the benefit of polluting less?

Lawyers out there will appreciate this anser:

It Depends.

Isn't CO2 plant food?
I don't believe it to be inherently bad. The only justification I have seen for controlling CO2 is to save the Ozone layer . . .

Now, as I have said all along: I do not think that we should wantonly spew crap into the air "just because we can."
If there are better alternatives than Coal burning power plants (and there are . . . but they come with their own baggage), we should pursue those alternatives.
If there are better alternatives to gasoline to run my truck (natural gas, propane, bio-fuel, hydrogen), we should pursue those alternatives. There is no reason why we should hitch ourselves to the current status quo of fuels.

BUT, all of these explorations should be free from politics, and agendas.

I remember the days of Geneva Steel, and all the crap they put into the air.
Heck, I live in Pittsburgh now (for the next month anyway) and if you look at any building in the city, the effects of the old steel plants out here are READILY apparent.
They LITERALLY turned this city black.

Here is a great example:
This is the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh.

Notice the different shades of the stone. This is VERY common around Pittsburgh. The lighter stone is the natural color of the stone. The darker areas of the stone is what's left over from the pollution that used to choke this city. What you are seeing is years of carbon deposits.
Edit: the ENTIRE building used to be the same color as the dark areas.

Most buildings have been cleaned, but they left the Cathedral alone so they could study the effects of rain on the carbon deposits.

Now that the steel mills are shut down, the carbon deposit problems have gone away.

The down side: thousands of people lost their jobs, and the city eventually went bankrupt (literally, Pittsburgh declared bankruptcy).

So I don't see the problem as being that simple.
I don't like seeing so much crap being put into the air, but I don't want to put people out of work.
And yes, you can use electricity to smelt the steel . . . but that steel isn't as strong as coal fired steel, and where did you get the electricity from? Most likely from burning coal.

There really are no simple solutions . . . but we aren't going to get anywhere when you have disingenuous people advocating solutions.
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Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Good, maybe more people will listen and actually try to understand the science behind it instead of sticking their heads in the dirt and crying "False! It's a hoax!" Maybe you should consider that they might be joining the fight on Global Warming because they believe in it, not just for money.

Some of you people are pretty backwards in your science.:rolleyes:
Remember back in the 70's when scientists were warning of a coming "Ice Age"? They wanted to dump volcanic ash on the polar ice caps to make them melt. Good thing we didn't act on that, eh?:rofl:


Vanilla Gorilla
Whatever happened to the rainforest's and the people starving in Africa? This is just the global concern du jour'....enjoy!!


Well-Known Member
Tinfoil hat anyone? :spork: :spork:

U.S. Patent 4686605:
Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth's Atmosphere,
Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere
Inventors: Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued: Aug. 11, 1987
Filed: Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 5038664:
Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic Particles At An Altitude
Above The Earth's Surface
Inventors: Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Aug. 13, 1991
Filed: Jan. 10, 1985

U.S. Patent 4712155:
Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron
Heating Region Of Plasma
Inventors: Eastlund; Bernard J., Spring, TX
Ramo; Simon, Beverly Hills, CA
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued: Dec. 8, 1987
Filed: Jan. 28, 1985

U.S. Patent 5068669:
Power Beaming System
Inventors: Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Nov. 26, 1991
Filed: Sep. 1, 1988

U.S. Patent 5218374:
Power Beaming System With Printer Circuit Radiating Elements
Having Resonating Cavities
Inventors: Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
Cha; James T., Fairfax, VA
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: June 8, 1993
Filed: Oct. 10, 1989

U.S. Patent 5293176:
Folded Cross Grid Dipole Antenna Element
Inventors: Elliot; Paul G., Vienna, VA
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Mar. 8, 1994
Filed: Nov. 18, 1991

U.S. Patent 5202689:
Lightweight Focusing Reflector For Space
Inventors: Bussard; Robert W., Manassas, VA
Wallace; Thomas H., Gainesville, FL
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Apr. 13, 1993
Filed: Aug. 23, 1991

U.S. Patent 5041834:
Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer
Which Can Be Tilted
Inventors: Koert; Peter, Washington, DC
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Aug. 20, 1991
Filed: May. 17, 1990

U.S. Patent 4999637:
Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth
Inventors: Bass; Ronald M., Houston, TX
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Mar. 12, 1991
Filed: May. 14, 1987

U.S. Patent 4954709:
High Resolution Directional Gamma Ray Detector
Inventors: Zigler; Arie, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Eisen; Yosset, Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Washington, DC
Issued: Sep. 4, 1990
Filed: Aug. 16, 1989

U.S. Patent 4817495:
Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space
Inventors: Drobot; Adam T., Annandale, VA
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued: Apr. 4, 1989
Filed: Jul. 7, 1986

U.S. Patent 4873928:
Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation
Inventors: Lowther; Frank E., Plano, TX
Assignees: APTI, Inc., Los Angeles, CA
Issued: Oct. 17, 1989
Filed: June 15, 1987