Think before you speak!!!


Well-Known Member
The other night I had been working at the shop late. I got home took a shower and while I was in the shower my wife got home from work. We were laying on the bed and she kind of snuggled up next to me. So me in all of my idiotic glory I say "wanna get it on?" She says "I did" then gets up. So I made a mental note think before you speak dumb A:):)


so, "I did" meaning "I already did get it on," or "I did" meaning " I did want to get it on but not any more." :)

I wonder how many "moods" have been crushed by men not thinking before they speak haha A LOT!


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
I always say sh*t to piss my wife off. We were in Hawaii and there were a bunch of couples getting married and RE-married on the beach at sunset. My wife kept mentioning how cool that was. After like the tenth time I finally asked her if she wanted to get remarried on the beach. She got that look in her eye, you know the one, the one she gives you when you actually buy her something for Mothers Day or her birthday that isn't a vacuum or a gun. Anyway, after I popped the question I asked her who she wanted to marry this time around.

The rest of my trip was spent scratching at the door wanting to be let in.

Oh yeah, and if a woman asks you if a pair of pants or an outfit makes her ass look big, run and make sure you don't answer by saying that its her ass that makes her ass look big. Just a suggestion.
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Supporting Member
Will do. If the words "will you marry me" ever come to my lips, I'll remember not to say them.

Good advice.


Well-Known Member
I have always joked with my wife telling her that I don't have a "pause gene" in my body. You know the one, when you wife asks you what you think, and you stop, pause a moment to think, and the first thing you thought of is NOT what you said. You re-phrased yourself as to not hurt her feelings. When my wife asks me what I think the first thing I think of is what comes out of my mouth.;)


I'm one of those lucky ones who can fart on command. Makes these kind of conversations very short. ;)

Real short I'm sure lol
for the same effect for those of us who can't fart-on-demand, you could just make a puking gesture next time she askes "how do I look?"