Time for another dirt bike - which one to get for a short rider?

There are a lot of bikes out there with JB Weld on the cases and they are lasting. A buddy has a YZ450 that had the same thing happen and it broke the case by the clutch post and he had it JB Welded and has had ZERO issues. Donnie at D&M did it. Stratton has his contact info.
I wanted to make a snarky ktm comment.. but that looks too good for a me to say a mean thing.
You are racing rhino, yeah?
I am, tbh I don't know if I'm sold on the KTM vs KX yet, I really liked the KX, it felt comfortable. Some more seat time and some minor tuning will decide.
You are comparing apples to oranges. In more ways than one. The KX is a track bike where the XC is not. It can be ridden on the track but the SX is more like the KX. Put the red exhaust valve spring in it and enjoy it on the trails like it was made for. Enjoy the electric start and the fact that orange is better looking than green. Also, when it needs a top end you can buy a factory 300 kit for it
1996 Kawasaki KDX200 parts bike on ksl for $120. Just Incase anyone is interested. Has frame, suspension, wheels. No motor.

I just completed the St George race, I'm feeling like this is a good chassis size for me. I had an issue where my handlebars came loose about 10 miles into the race and I didn't have the right tools to get them tightened until about mile # 21 where I found a race official that had the right tools. Then back to rippin :cool:. I need to do some suspension tweaks though, it's kicking my @$$ through the g-outs; I went over the handlebars not too far into the race, and I got hit by the rider behind me.