Time for another dirt bike - which one to get for a short rider?

No, there were only 2 in my class that made it for both loops before they shut it down to one loop. My cousin beat me by about 11 minutes and even he didn't make the cutoff. Sounds like only about half of the field got to make 2 loops.

Thats awesome your liking it! Did you get both loops Chance?
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I just completed the St George race, I'm feeling like this is a good chassis size for me. I had an issue where my handlebars came loose about 10 miles into the race and I didn't have the right tools to get them tightened until about mile # 21 where I found a race official that had the right tools. Then back to rippin :cool:. I need to do some suspension tweaks though, it's kicking my @$$ through the g-outs; I went over the handlebars not too far into the race, and I got hit by the rider behind me.
Dang that’s rough riding 10 miles with loose bars in that crap! I’m glad your liking the new ride, it’s pretty sweet!
Dang that’s rough riding 10 miles with loose bars in that crap! I’m glad your liking the new ride, it’s pretty sweet!

Yeah, I was doing really well and making a lot of passes when they all the sudden started rocking back and forth and I was like "oh no!!! Oh no oh no oh no!!!" :rofl::rofl: Then people started passing be back, and then it took about 5 minutes to get them tightened back up and I started making my passes again.
Wish I would have remembered you were racing. I would have come found you and introduced myself. I saw Derek, Brian, Chad and Tyson there. I thought lap one was a riot. I too didn’t make the cut by 6 minutes and 3 seconds. How I know that is my son literally came in second behind the winner and he beat me by 6 min and 2 seconds. Dammit. Harrison beat me again. He actually slid into a hole and couldn’t get out. Luckily a course helper was there close by the hole and helped him get out Harrison had to yell at him to get help
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Lap one was great, I actually LOVED the sand because a lot of people were gettin all skiwompus and goin down and stuff and I was hooking up straight and great through it, that's where I made most of my passes, just shift up one gear and grab a wrist full of throttle lol. I definitely would have liked to make the cutoff for lap 2, I had plenty of energy and was ready to do a quick pit and hit the course again.
I wish I'd known too. The red chair in your picture is mine. Lol. We were right next to you. Dang you racing price?

Yep I am planning on it. Just picked up a Lectron. When I first got the bike it was running really rich but we messed with it a bit and now it's running great. Hopefully the Lectron keeps it that way at all areas.