Trailer repair, possibly mobile


Registered User
Yesterday the jack gave out on my horse trailer while getting ready to hitch to the truck.

Luckily my foot was off to the side enough!

In addition to needing the jack replaced, I am at a bit of a loss on how to get it anywhere for repairs.

With tongue on the ground and as heavy as it is (20 year old steel 4 horse, probably 5,000 range empty20230510_115742.jpg, I don't have the equipment to get it hooked up.

Any ideas, including someone who may do mobile repair?

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
A Hi Lift jack will pick that up for sure, so will my exhaust jack. You'd wanna chock the wheels really well though.


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Yesterday the jack gave out on my horse trailer while getting ready to hitch to the truck.

Luckily my foot was off to the side enough!

In addition to needing the jack replaced, I am at a bit of a loss on how to get it anywhere for repairs.

With tongue on the ground and as heavy as it is (20 year old steel 4 horse, probably 5,000 range emptyView attachment 159698, I don't have the equipment to get it hooked up.

Any ideas, including someone who may do mobile repair?
I can take care of you on Saturday. I’m out of town until tomorrow night. It should be pretty simple to fix.