Tread Lightly training

I'm down for teaching either type of class, and the more trainers helping teach means the less I will forget to cover. (And every trainer can submit their numbers to TL) the more people that attend usually means better discussion
This is excellent, you guys. I'm in for a Trainer class, for sure.

So this needs to be scheduled by a Master Trainer through Tread Lightly? And we have Kurt and/or Curt (and maybe Tacoma) who would be willing to help us get that going? We're looking for at least 6 heads, and we can invade Marc's house, Steve's house, or Ryan's driveway, or Tyler's conference room, right?

Let's find a date, then. I'm free the weekends of September 1st and September 15th...
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If someone could contact Tacoma White and Curt Hall specifically to discuss timelines on when either could teach this class that would help me lock a day in to attend... as of right now each of my weekends is filled with on-site training for the tread lightly course. :D

Also, if the class materials are a pre-requisite then the timeline might be contingent on how long would it take to collect the money and then shipment for the said materials?

KevinB: I do believe Tyler AX10Toy offered us a conference room at his Yota Dealership as well if we want to book it ahead of time... this could be nice for parking or cold weather scheduling.
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Tacoma is U4WDA's official Tread Lightly Master Trainer, I have emailed him and directed him to this thread. Hopefully he will chime in with his availability.

As an aside, I am interested in joining the class, but my availability is sketchy at the moment, better to wait until you guys nail down a solid date before committing.
If someone could contact Tacoma White and Curt Hall specifically to discuss timelines on when either could teach this class that would help me lock a day in to attend... as of right now each of my weekends is filled with on-site training for the tread lightly course. :D

Also, if the class materials are a pre-requisite then the timeline might be contingent on how long would it take to collect the money and then shipment for the said materials?

KevinB: I do believe Tyler AX10Toy offered us a conference room at his Yota Dealership as well if we want to book it ahead of time.

Thanks, I missed that, I've edited that post.

Right now I'm just hoping to find a date that works best of the majority of teachers and attendees. Curt and Kurt have already posted to the thread, so one assumes they'll be back. Tacoma I'm assuming will be by whenever he gets done doing whatever it is he's doing that's more important than us. :mad:
Is Kurt W a Master Trainer? I get the impression that he's a tread trainer but not a master trainer. I believe that only master trainers can teach the tread trainer class.
Is Kurt W a Master Trainer? I get the impression that he's a tread trainer but not a master trainer. I believe that only master trainers can teach the tread trainer class.

Correct and correct, I am. Tread Trainer not a master. Curt and Tacoma are your peeps, I'm out of town on your suggested dates too.
Sept 1 doesn't work for me as its my wifes birthday, Sept 15 is my birthday, but may work if my wife doesn't have anything planned. The best way to reach me right now is PM here or email I currently have limited cell coverage.
Same. I'm working those weekends, and when I'm scheduled on the weekend I can't get free. I'd end up sleeping through the whole class. :(

Which is not to say we need to schedule around me. If one of those dates works for everybody else then do it.