TRUMP: Whats the real deal?

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Well-Known Member
I think sectors of the economy do rely on exploitation of immigrants. But the system could be remodeled for exploitation of legal immigrants as easily as illegal. Many countries with strictly enforced immigration laws successfully oppress and exploit their legal immigrants.

End of the day it's about money. It's always about money. Nothing is going to change without The Money agreeing with it. The Money likes having an easily exploited sector as part of the labor market.



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Build the wall, patrol the wall. Then revamp immigration processes to flow more efficiently. Pretty simple solution if you ask me.

I guess they just need someone like you with experience in constructing a 2000 mile wall (on an international border, largely in a remote desert), modern policing and surveillance methodologies, and the nuances of immigration reform to break it down into simple terms for everyone. To hell with history for context, Sami has the solution!

Out of curiosity, does any part of Sami's Simple Plan involve a bunch of Red-Blooded-Americans taking shifts on the border open carrying as a display of force (and simultaneously, liberty, obviously)?


somewhat damaged
I'm starting to wonder if the wall thing is just a diversion to keep the leftist media going nuts. I mean, everything just seems to be about the damn wall. There's so much more going on.

I mean, it's getting more coverage than the peace situation in North Korea. I remember thinking "well, no matter who gets elected we'll probably be at war with NK". Then (no)boom.


Registered User
Arm Utah
That's funny Shane, because I was thinking the wall was a way to keep the Trump base going, by taking the focus off of everything else. The ironic thing is that building a wall has nothing to do with funding the government, it's just a bargaining chip like everything else in DC.


somewhat damaged

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who prepared the Russia “dossier” that has led to more than two years of investigations into President Donald Trump’s campaign, has told a London court that he was hired to provide a basis to challenge the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election in the event that Trump won.



El Destructo!
The last week or two have been a giant WTF Trump.

Notifying the pentagon that we are pulling out of Syria by twitter?
An executive order to ban bumpstocks?
Caving on the border "wall"?
Negotiations with N Korea backsliding?


Registered User
Arm Utah
Hahahahahaha, brought to you by Breitbart, for your entertainment.


Christopher Steele, the former British spy who prepared the Russia “dossier” that has led to more than two years of investigations into President Donald Trump’s campaign, has told a London court that he was hired to provide a basis to challenge the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election in the event that Trump won.



somewhat damaged
Hahahahahaha, brought to you by Breitbart, for your entertainment.

It's more accurate than anything mainstream. Also, it's a true report. I don't see the problem.

Start paying attention to the theme of anything from AP/Reuters. Then follow up and start looking into who owns them.
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somewhat damaged
The last week or two have been a giant WTF Trump.

Notifying the pentagon that we are pulling out of Syria by twitter?
An executive order to ban bumpstocks?
Caving on the border "wall"?
Negotiations with N Korea backsliding?

Fake / spun. You can't possibly believe that the pentagon didn't know that the troops are being pulled out of Syria.
I disagree with that move, a lot.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Fake / spun. You can't possibly believe that the pentagon didn't know that the troops are being pulled out of Syria.
I disagree with that move, a lot.

Anything to keep attention away from Lynch, Comey, Moynihan and Doyle, Steele... the list goes on.

Maybe we'll have another round of Nation-wide bomb threats...


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
it's almost as if he doesn't know what he is doing or he is not even close to being qualified to be president and was only elected because he said the right things and projected a certain persona.

Actually, all politics aside, I would say Obama was elected specifically for saying the right things and projecting a certain persona (in the aftermath of a president who was prone to hilarious outtakes that made him sound like a child). Trump was elected by playing into people's fears and insecurities, and by motivating a certain segment of our population (the "god-fearing" and generally less educated segment, no offense) to vote on their insecurities (dey took ur jerrbs!!!!!!, back to the pile!!!!).

@Herzog I am curious what you like about partisan politics. Knowing you as a reasonable person, I hope it's more of an entertainment watching a train wreck into a dumpster fire. My position is I think it simply causes a divide between people in a time where we should be trying to find common ground with one another. The extremists on either side get the most air time, and in reality the vast majority of Americans fall in the middle. Then, private money fuels the polar extremes of each party amplifying the rhetoric, and even the once moderate and reasonable politicians start "flip flopping" because they are getting paid to have a position. Now politicians are more concerned about preserving their own power and influence (and $$), and are more interested in seeing the other side fail than in seeing America succeed. Add on top of that an electoral system where a candidate that wins the popular vote in a state primary (say, Bernie Sanders in Utah) doesn't get any of the delegate votes from that state (Hillary got them). On what planet does that make sense? This system is broken, and until we can get money out of politics there simply won't be room for anyone independent to access the system.

Also, I'd just like to point out that net immigration between the US and Mexico between 2014-2017 was actually negative (Mexican immigrant population estimate fell from 11.6 to 11.3 million--300,000 more Mexican immigrants returned to Mexico than came here during that time). I don't really watch the news, but has anybody touched on that?


somewhat damaged
@Herzog I am curious what you like about partisan politics. Knowing you as a reasonable person, I hope it's more of an entertainment watching a train wreck into a dumpster fire. My position is I think it simply causes a divide between people in a time where we should be trying to find common ground with one another. The extremists on either side get the most air time, and in reality the vast majority of Americans fall in the middle. Then, private money fuels the polar extremes of each party amplifying the rhetoric, and even the once moderate and reasonable politicians start "flip flopping" because they are getting paid to have a position. Now politicians are more concerned about preserving their own power and influence (and $$), and are more interested in seeing the other side fail than in seeing America succeed. Add on top of that an electoral system where a candidate that wins the popular vote in a state primary (say, Bernie Sanders in Utah) doesn't get any of the delegate votes from that state (Hillary got them). On what planet does that make sense? This system is broken, and until we can get money out of politics there simply won't be room for anyone independent to access the system.

Because I'm sick and tired of the bullshit PC culture that is coming out of the current framework. We have rampant orwellian doublespeak (which is nothing new, ie: patriot act) all over the place. We have fascists pretending to be anti-fascists, we have politicians who pretend to be on the good side but are actually the most corrupt and disgusting people out there (give this one sometime, that reservoir is about to break), we have hordes of people making decisions in one state, bankrupting and screwing the atmosphere up so badly that they jump ship only to continue to vote and create policy that create their problems to begin with. Just a huge lack of self-awareness. We have people walking the streets chanting "orange man bad" because the news has them brainwashed. I'm tired of it and I won't apologize for being able to see what others are not willing to even take a glimpse at and consider that MAYBE the narrative they are being fed is wrong and has been wrong for a long time.

Here's the thing too - I don't disagree with anything you've said above (except for the less educated part, that's a whole other topic... education != intelligence)

Trump is a disruptor and I'd say that's exactly why he's here. He's the distractor in the art of war. Anytime there's an extreme, it's going to be met with another extreme. That really is a form of balance and I think you are right that they are using that tactic, but I don't think it's being used nefariously. I did at first until I started digging... There's something at work here that's very big. We currently have massive human trafficking arrests. Unprecedented amount of sealed indictments. Look who surrounds Trump. Military Generals and Intelligence. There's massive panic in DC... look at all the information coming out about social media tracking and illegal activities. All I can say is look into it and have a slightly more open mind.


Pretend Fabricator
Because I'm sick and tired of the bullshit PC culture that is coming out of the current framework. We have rampant orwellian doublespeak (which is nothing new, ie: patriot act) all over the place. We have fascists pretending to be anti-fascists, we have politicians who pretend to be on the good side but are actually the most corrupt and disgusting people out there (give this one sometime, that reservoir is about to break), we have hordes of people making decisions in one state, bankrupting and screwing the atmosphere up so badly that they jump ship only to continue to vote and create policy that create their problems to begin with. Just a huge lack of self-awareness. We have people walking the streets chanting "orange man bad" because the news has them brainwashed. I'm tired of it and I won't apologize for being able to see what others are not willing to even take a glimpse at and consider that MAYBE the narrative they are being fed is wrong and has been wrong for a long time.

Here's the thing too - I don't disagree with anything you've said above (except for the less educated part, that's a whole other topic... education != intelligence)

Trump is a disruptor and I'd say that's exactly why he's here. He's the distractor in the art of war. Anytime there's an extreme, it's going to be met with another extreme. That really is a form of balance and I think you are right that they are using that tactic, but I don't think it's being used nefariously. I did at first until I started digging... There's something at work here that's very big. We currently have massive human trafficking arrests. Unprecedented amount of sealed indictments. Look who surrounds Trump. Military Generals and Intelligence. There's massive panic in DC... look at all the information coming out about social media tracking and illegal activities. All I can say is look into it and have a slightly more open mind.

^^^^ yeah, what he said


Registered User
Salt Lake City
These claims of 60k+ indictments are just a bunch of crap. I don't think a storm is coming for either side. To me it's nothing more than conspiracy theories with nothing to REALLY bacck it up.

Sealed court documents =/ sealed indictements


somewhat damaged
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