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EZRhino said:
Well then you should get your eyes checked! Or maybe get hit in the head with a hammer or something. That one represents the land rapers and pillagers snaggle-tooth rednecks with 38's on a suburban tearing up the trail and running over fencing. We need something more calming, more passive, more relaxed, more tree-freindly.....ahhhhhh don't you just feel better now? Can't you smell the pine? Ahhhhhhhhh........

I'm going to fillibuster and disallow that ugly design. Besides how do you make a sticker out of that? It's too odd shaped! Oh wait a minute!! No one will ever see that design since you-know-who controls the newsletter......:)


um, you're allowed your oppinion, and unfortunately the majority has voted that your oppinion sucks. You don't see everyone else saying that you suck for thinking differently do you?

I guess maybe I'm one of the idiots that got hit in the head with the hammer--but can you please explain to me exactly how it represents land rapers, pillagers, and red-necks? Is it too similar to "1000 year old graffiti" that we can't respect it?

Someone once told me that if you are trying something and it doesn't work, maybe try something different........out with the old in with the new.
